
Facts Articles

Sparkle Kitty

Polydactyl Cats: Just More Beans to Love

April 6, 2022

Polydactyl cats have become extremely popular in recent times. As a result, more and more people are interested in learning more about this six-toed cat and want to get one of their own. If you are a cat lover intrigued by polydactyl cats, you have come to the right place….

Cat shows his teeth.

Why Does My Cat Cackle?

March 7, 2022

Cats make all kinds of sounds all the time such as meowing, growling, purring, and many more. Perhaps one of the rare sounds they make is cackling or what others call “cat chirping”. Your cat may have let out a funny sound from his throat, like an abrupt bird chirping,…

Cat sitting in the litter box.

8 Different Types of Litter: Which One is Best for Me?

February 28, 2022

Kitty litter is the one thing that cat owners should never run out of. Cats are clean creatures, and they prefer to bury their urine and poop when defecating. Litter is the medium in which cats will bury their wastes plus it can control the odor. If you’re buying kitty…

Owner taking a picture of his cat.

Plants and Cats: Which Ones are Unsafe for Cats?

February 14, 2022

It can sometimes happen that our feline friends can be a little too curious about our house plants that they nibble them. Generally, cats are safe to play with most plants, but there are some that can pose serious dangers to your cat. If you are planning on buying your…

Sparkle Kitty

5 Charitable Ways to Give Back to Our Kitty Friends

January 17, 2022

“If only I could adopt all the cats in the world” is probably a thought that has crossed the minds of all cat lovers at least once in their journey as fur parents. While it is physically impossible to care for the millions of stray cats across the globe on…

Sparkle Kitty

Do Cats Like Music?

December 20, 2021

Music soothes the human soul. It brings a feeling of contentment, relaxation, and an overall good time that cat parents just want to share that with their fur babies too. But doesn’t it seem like cats show little to no interest in music? Do they really not care for music…

Sparkle Kitty

What Really is Catnip and Why Does My Cat Love it so Much?

November 30, 2021

If you’ve ever seen a cat on catnip, then you’ve probably witnessed some hilarious cat antics. Catnip makes cats go crazy, and cat owners know no feline can resist catnip when they see one. But, have you ever wondered what makes catnip so addicting to our feline friends? You’re about…

Sparkle Kitty

Adventure Cats! Best Instagram Accounts with the Most Adventurous Kitties to Follow

November 15, 2021

Eat, sleep, play, repeat—these aren’t the only things these felines do daily. While some cats are content with lounging around all day and getting snuggles from their humans, these kitties prefer to live life on the edge. Check out these Instagram-famous felines and follow their exciting adventures: Mia the Adventure…

Sparkle Kitty

Will My Cats be Okay in a Small Apartment?

November 8, 2021

Is a home’s floor area a requisite for a happy cat? Cat behaviorists maintain that cats can be perfectly happy in small spaces. But, according to them, many cats that want privacy and stress relief purposely tuck themselves into tiny crevices. However, that’s not to say that you need not…

Sparkle Kitty

7 Tips for a Cat-Friendly Holiday Season

November 1, 2021

Holiday time is family time, and our pets are part of the family. The holiday season is best celebrated with our best feline friends around. However, kitties can get too excited as they see a tree being put up, decorations hung up, and delicious food cooked in the kitchen. Keep…

Sparkle Kitty

Weird Cat Facts

October 19, 2021

Cats are cute and charming creatures that many people consider as part of their families. But do you know that there is more to cats than just purring, jumping, and chasing mice? We’ve compiled 10 weird cat facts that are just as interesting as our furry friends. 1. Cats are…

Sparkle Kitty

Do Cats See Color?

October 17, 2021

If you’re wondering if your beloved cat sees the colors of the world just like you do, then you’re like the many scientists who have researched cats’ color vision. Here are the results of various studies. Cats’ Color Vision Cats and humans have three types of color-sensitive cells in the…

Brown Tabby Cat Asleep

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

September 26, 2021

Chances are you will observe your cats sleeping more than you will find them awake throughout the day. That’s because cats generally sleep an average of between 12 to 20 hours a day. Should this cat behavior concern you? Cats are mostly nocturnal animals that are active mainly at night…

Green Eyed Long Haired Tabby Cat Meowing

Why Do Cats Meow?

September 20, 2021

Meowing is your cat’s way of communicating with you. Interestingly, cats don’t meow to get other cat’s attention. Their meow is solely for their owners and other humans. Meowing is innate in young cats to get their mother’s attention when they are hungry, cold, or hurt. As they mature, cats…

Exotic cat in wild

How Did Cats Become Domestic?

August 30, 2021

How Did Cats Become Domestic? Almost all animals that humans care for as pets nowadays—dogs, birds, and cats—were once wild species that wouldn’t even dare to go near humans. However, thousands of years of evolution have proved that humans and animals can not only coexist but even share special bonds…

Cat shaped latte foam

Top 5 Cat Cafes in the United States

August 23, 2021

A cat cafe is basically a cafe, restaurant, or dining place where there are cats present. Essentially, you can order coffee, chat with a friend, or work on your laptop while your pet wanders around, plays or naps in the cafe. If you are looking for the best cat cafes…

Sparkle Kitty

Top 10 Best Cat Accounts to Follow on TikTok

July 26, 2021

Tiktok is one of the best platforms to entertain yourself with cute and funny content on cats. If you’re looking for the best accounts to follow for your daily dose of cuteness, check out these cat accounts that are oozing with fun and endless adorableness. @jackthecat1 With over 1.1 million…

A woman holds up a birthday cupcake for her cat, who is wearing a party hat

Top 5 Cat-Friendly Birthday Treats

July 19, 2021

Pet parents can be pretty generous when it comes to their babies. Aside from showering her with toys, many cat owners also spend on special treats when their cats celebrate their birthdays. If you are looking for birthday goodies for your little feline baby, here are some cat-friendly treats you…

Calico cat pokes head out of carrier

Smart Tips When Traveling with a Cat

June 14, 2021

No cat owner wants to leave their cat behind. Because pet cats are often considered as part of the family, it is common that they are brought along during travels and vacations. If you are planning to travel and you wish to bring your cat along with you, here are…