
Behavior & Training Articles

Sparkle Kitty

How to Properly Train Your Cat Without Screaming or Hitting

December 27, 2021

There’s no doubt that you love your feline friend, but you can’t deny that his unruly behavior is getting on your nerves. Out of frustration from trying to train your cat in every way you know but to no avail, it might be tempting to lash out at him. But…

Sparkle Kitty

Litter Box Woes: What To Do if Your Cat Poops or Pees Everywhere but the Litter Box

December 6, 2021

It can feel very frustrating when your cat will just refuse to use the litter box! What is happening here? Are you doing something wrong, or is your cat just stubborn? We’ll help you find a fix to it in no time so just read on! Why is your cat…

Sparkle Kitty

Guide to Take My Cat on Walks

November 22, 2021

Cats love the outdoors as much as dogs do but you can only wish for them to be just as easy to take out on walks. Cats can be really stubborn, and it can be quite the challenge to put them on a leash and take them for a nice…

Sparkle Kitty

What Can I Do If My Cat Is Aggressive?

October 16, 2021

Surveys suggest that most people get cats because they expect them to be the calm and cuddly pets the media makes them out to be. However, the truth is that no two cats are the same, and some felines may be just a tad bit more irritable than others. Unfortunately,…

Sparkle Kitty

What Should I Do If My Cat Brings Me Dead Animals?

October 10, 2021

Remember the first day your cute little harmless-looking feline brought home a dead squirrel? Or was it a dead bird or mouse? All pet owners can surely relate to the horror of realizing their adorable and cuddly pet is not as innocent as they think. Randomly finding dead animals in…

Two Calico Cats Inside Travel Bags

Tips on Driving Cross-Country with a Cat

September 30, 2021

Whether it’s taking your pet to the vet, traveling for a vacation to the countryside, or moving to a new home across the borders, cat owners will experience driving with their cats as passengers at least once. While road trips sound exciting to humans, it’s not exactly the same for…

White Cat With Extended Claws

Common Reasons Why Cats Scratch

September 24, 2021

If you’ve been living with a new cat for a while, you’re probably no stranger to scratched-up doors, furniture, and carpet around the house. Scratching is part of your cat’s primal nature, so there’s always the possibility of your cat scratching people, including you. Why Do Cats Scratch? Cats scratch…

Grey Cat Biting Human Hand

Should I Be Worried if My Cat Bites Me?

September 22, 2021

Cat biting can be a problem for a lot of cat owners; sometimes, it can be enough reason for cat owners to surrender their pets. It is important to understand the reasons why cats bite to have a peaceful coexistence with your pet and avoid these painful bites that can…

Calico Cat Licking Paw

Cat Grooming

September 18, 2021

One of the greatest assets of a cat is its tongue. Their unique tongues are covered in hundreds of flexible backward-curved spines called “papillae.” These structures can store and release saliva on the fur, making self-grooming truly enjoyable for all felines. As you may have already noticed, cats lick almost…

A cat lays on a blanket with its eyes closed while a human pets it

Why Do Cats Rub?

August 9, 2021

Cats are adorable pets, but they have behaviors, which may intrigue, perplex, or even frustrate you if you don’t understand their reasons for doing those things. One such common behavior is rubbing up against you and other people. This movement may involve their foreheads and cheeks or sometimes their entire…

Grey and white tabby cat stands in box

Why Do Cats Like Boxes So Much?

July 15, 2021

Cats can be so mysterious. For instance, they always prefer to stay in a plain old cardboard box than on their soft new bed. They play with a box more than their shiny new cat toy. What is it with cats and boxes, anyway? Vets and animal behaviorists have weighed…

Grey cat kneading, toe beans

Why Do Cats Knead?

July 1, 2021

Kneading soft objects like blankets and toys is just one of the things you can find in the book of “strange things cats do.” Also known as “making biscuits,” kneading is a pretty common activity among felines, although not all cats do it. If you’ve noticed your cat rhythmically pushing…

Black and white cat stands on a kitchen countertop.

Top 10 Tricks to Keep Your Cat Off Your Countertop

June 28, 2021

Cats generally like climbing up a higher place because they tend to seek higher ground when they’re anxious or stressed out. By climbing up a table or kitchen countertop, it makes them feel safe and comfortable. An elevated area allows them to observe the world from a place where they…

Ginger cat receiving chin scratches

Why Do Cats Purr?

May 6, 2021

Nothing can make a cat folk’s heart melt more than when their cat snuggles on their lap and makes that sweet purring sound. The “purr-like” vocalization that cats make is most often noticed in felines when they are happy. But is it safe for cat owners to assume that when…