What is the Effect of the Full Moon on My Cat?

Ever wonder if the full moon has anything to do with strange behavior in cats? Have you ever noticed a pattern?
So, does the moon affect cats?
It certainly seems to be the case in our experience! During the full moon, we’ve noticed cats who exhibit uncharacteristic, quirky, and rebellious behavior. There are many posts, blogs, and questions from cat owners about strange full moon behavior, all with their own stories to tell and answers to seek.
Behavior of cats during full moons
According to cat owners and veterinarians, the full moon certainly seems to make cats more mischievous. Cat owners have observed the following behavioral characteristics during the full moon:
- Their cats seem more likely to hide
- Symptoms of restlessness
- Mischievousness and playfulness increase
- Keeping company with other cats
- Noisier and more meowing
According to various statistics and studies, the full moon period is associated with an increase in veterinary clinic admissions. An unfounded study claimed a 23% increase in cat visits to the vet during a full moon and a 28% increase in dog visits. According to research at the University of Colorado’s College of Veterinary Medicine, cats are 30% more likely to become injured during or near full moons. Maybe because cats spend more time outside at night with the help of the bright moonlight, which poses a higher risk of injury for pets, or due to some unknown effect of the moon is unclear.
The moon may influence the circadian rhythms of cats and other animals. Circadian rhythms refer to the physical, mental, and behavioral fluctuations and variations throughout the day. Circadian rhythms can be found in most living things, including heart rate, sleep patterns, hormones, body temperature, and blood pressure. The moon affects Earth’s gravity and nighttime light, which affects cats, dogs, and humans.
If my cat exhibits strange behavior during a full moon, what should I do?
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much you can do to curb this strange behavior. Tracking the lunar cycle may help you become aware of these changes and not be surprised. An easy fix is to keep your cat indoors over the full moon.
Moon Phases and Cats
A full moon is only one phase of the lunar cycle. According to many astrologers, other moon phases may affect your cat, humans, and pets.
New Moon
Moon phases begin with the new moon. This happens when the Earth and the Sun are on opposite sides of the moon, and the Sun is aligned with the moon. It occurs every 29.5 days, and the moon is only visible when silhouetted during a solar eclipse. A new moon is a time of intention and to tune wholly into nature. During this phase, cats seem to relax naturally.
Supermoons occur when the moon is closest to Earth. Cats use their instincts during this period to stay away from danger and where they feel safe.
Waning Moon
A waning moon occurs after a full moon and before a new moon when the bright area of the moon is decreasing. Animals will hunt, gather food, and prepare homes during this phase – a nesting instinct is activated.
Waxing Moon
A waxing moon is the opposite of a waning moon – the moon after the new moon and before the full moon, so named because its illuminated area grows at this time. Animals slow down, rest, and sleep during this calm period.
Blue Moon
A blue moon occurs only every three years — that’s why the phrase “once in a blue moon” exists. It occurs when there are two full moons in a month. It’s like a double dose of the full moon for our pets – another opportunity to watch their playfulness and hide-and-seek games!
Is there an effect of the full moon on humans?
There is little scientific evidence supporting this theory, with many studies remaining inconclusive. Many midwives claim they always seem busier at full moon, and accident and emergency rooms at hospitals see a spike in patient admissions. According to prison officials, violence among inmates and admissions to psychiatric hospitals have increased.
The full moon’s effect has been the subject of several myths and legends worldwide for many centuries. When you look at the night sky and see the bright full moon, you cannot deny its beauty, intensity, and magical feel. There is a possibility that it is all a coincidence; who knows? At the moment, the mystery remains. In light of all these occurrences or coincidences amongst humans, it is not surprising that animal behavior is also affected.
So, Is it Necessary to Consider the Moon When Considering Our Cat’s Needs and Behaviours?
Should we be concerned about moon madness, lunar lunacies, and unexplained animal behavior? As we learn more about our cats and their environments, we get to know them better. Perhaps we can be aware and fascinated by mother nature’s power when patterns emerge around full moon times or the other lunar phases.

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