
Facts Articles

10 Fascinating Facts About Black Cats cat

10 Fascinating Facts About Black Cats

August 26, 2024

Despite their enigmatic aura and historical associations with superstitions, black cats have much more to offer than just being subject to myths. From their roles in maritime history to their striking genetics, black cats are much more than the stereotypes that often surround them. Let’s delve into some intriguing facts…

The Success of Banyule’s Free Cat Sterilization Program

The Success of Banyule’s Free Cat Sterilization Program

August 19, 2024

Urban areas worldwide face challenges with free-roaming cats, often leading to nuisance complaints and significant strain on local animal management systems. In Victoria, Australia, the city of Banyule has pioneered a revolutionary approach to addressing this issue with impressive results. In 2013, Banyule implemented a comprehensive free cat sterilization program…

Study Reveals Cats Show Signs of Mourning After Losing a Friend

Study Reveals Cats Show Signs of Mourning After Losing a Friend

August 12, 2024

The death of a pet can be an overwhelming experience for any owner. Still, recent research suggests that the emotional toll extends to the surviving animals in a household as well. A recent study has provided compelling evidence that cats exhibit significant signs of grief following the death of another…

Why Do Adorable Cats Make Us Want to Squeeze Them? cute cat cute

Why Do Adorable Cats Make Us Want to Squeeze Them?

July 29, 2024

Not literally, of course, but many pet owners can relate to experiencing what’s known as “cute aggression.” This phenomenon describes the paradoxical urge to pinch, squeeze, or even nibble on something irresistibly cute without the intention to cause harm. Among researchers, cute aggression has been studied by Dr. Oriana Aragón,…

Turns Out It’s Healthy For Your Cat to Sleep In Your Bed With You (Dogs, Not So Much) person sleeping with a cat

Turns Out It’s Healthy For Your Cat to Sleep In Your Bed With You (Dogs, Not So Much)

July 22, 2024

For many pet owners, the joy of snuggling up with their furry companions in bed is unmatched. Whether your pet sleeps curled beside you or shares the room, their presence often brings comfort. However, recent research suggests that cats might offer better sleep quality than dogs when it comes to…

Fostering a Cat: An Antidote to Loneliness

May 20, 2024

The invaluable companionship provided by dogs has long been celebrated, but recent research has illuminated the profound impact of feline companions on alleviating feelings of loneliness. In a pioneering pilot study conducted by the University of Georgia and Brenau University, the therapeutic benefits of fostering cats were explored, particularly among…

New Research Dispels the Understanding That Cats Are Antisocial

April 1, 2024

For years, cats have been shrouded in mystery, often portrayed as solitary, aloof, and detached. However, recent research challenges these age-old perceptions, revealing a more nuanced understanding of feline behavior and social dynamics. Feline researchers are now unveiling a surprising truth: many cats are remarkably social animals, capable of forming…

What is a Blynx?

March 25, 2024

The blynx, a hybrid offspring of the bobcat and Canada lynx, offers a glimpse into the intricate dynamics of nature’s design. Born from the genetic fusion of two closely related species within the Lynx genus, the blynx displays a unique combination of traits inherited from its distinguished parentage. The first…

Cats Aren’t Predators, They’re Mesopredators

March 11, 2024

Ever wonder why your cat seems to be both a skilled hunter and a silly little guy that can be easily scared? Like when the’yre surprised by a cucumber? Well despite the fact that not only do cats hunt and kill prey (sometimes too well) they aren’t classified as predators,…

Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Nepetalactone in Catnip

February 19, 2024

Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, has long fascinated both cat owners and scientists. This herb, a member of the mint family, induces unique behaviors in many cats, thanks to a compound called nepetalactone. But where did this intriguing substance come from, and why does it affect cats peculiarly? Nepetalactone…

The Cattery

January 22, 2024

In Corpus Christi, Texas, you can find a unique cat shelter called The Cattery, which provides a unique alternative to conventional animal shelters. It offers a compassionate, no-kill, cage-free refuge for cats in need, including those who are homeless, abused, or abandoned. Their primary mission is to secure permanent, loving…

Cats Are Perfect and Here’s Why

January 15, 2024

Cats have always captivated us with their charm and mystery. It’s no surprise for cat lovers that these felines are truly special. But what exactly makes them stand out in the world of evolution? Let’s explore the fascinating reasons behind their distinctive traits and their remarkable adaptation to various environments….

Silver Vine: A Purr-fect Alternative to Catnip for Your Feline Friend

January 8, 2024

Cats, with their keen sense of smell, are known to be intrigued by various scents. Catnip, the most famous of these scents, often triggers playful reactions in our feline companions. However, what if your cat doesn’t seem too interested in catnip? The solution might lie in lesser-known alternatives like silver…

Cat Purring is Weirder Than You Think

January 1, 2024

We love our cat’s sounds, but we especially love to hear her purr. However, the mechanism behind this soothing sound has recently been a subject of scientific curiosity. Recent research led by voice scientist Christian T. Herbst from the University of Vienna, published in Current Biology, has discovered purring is…

New Study Discovers Cats Like to Play Fetch (With a Catch)

December 25, 2023

When you imagine a game of fetch, the image of a lively dog darting back and forth might come to mind. However, a groundbreaking study published in the journal Scientific Reports has unveiled an intriguing twist: cats also enjoy playing fetch, albeit on their own distinct terms. Researchers from the…

How Chicken Eggs May Be a Solution for Cat Allergies

October 9, 2023

Cat allergies, characterized by sneezing, itching, and runny eyes and nose, are often triggered by cat dander, which harbors allergens. Surprisingly, these allergens are minuscule, about one-tenth the size of dust allergens, making them even smaller than pollen, mold, or dust mites. What makes matters worse is that once disturbed,…

The Black-Footed Cat: Nature’s Most Efficient Hunter

September 25, 2023

The Black-footed cat may resemble your average domestic feline, but it harbors a remarkable secret – it’s one of the world’s most formidable hunters. But what makes this small wildcat so dangerous? The Black-footed cat, also known as the African black-footed cat, may appear innocuous, resembling a typical domestic tabby…

The Science Behind Cats’ Love for Tuna

September 18, 2023

Why do cats harbor an insatiable fondness for tuna? A recent study may have finally illuminated this culinary curiosity, shedding light on the intricate taste preferences of our feline companions. Published in Chemical Senses, this research unveils the intricate workings of cat taste buds and their profound affinity for umami,…

The Purrfectly Unique Turbo Tim’s Auto Repair in Minneapolis

September 11, 2023

Situated in the heart of Minneapolis is an auto repair shop with a unique twist – Turbo Tim’s Auto Repair. This shop isn’t just about fixing cars; it has gained attention for its dual focus on automobile maintenance and its affection for cats. Turbo Tim’s Auto Repair is the brainchild…

Texas Legalizes Trap-Neuter-Release Programs

June 26, 2023

In a groundbreaking move, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed House Bill 3660, offering legal protection to individuals involved in trap-neuter-release (TNR) cat programs. This milestone legislation shields those who return sterilized cats to the wild from potential criminal charges. While TNR programs are celebrated by cat lovers, the debate…