What is Ringworm in Cats and What Can I Do About It?

Sparkle Kitty

Ringworm is a zoonotic infection that can transfer from cats to humans and vice versa. The fungus that causes ringworm can infect various animals and it can be quite an annoying condition when your indoor cat gets afflicted. Here’s everything you need to know.


What is Ringworm in Cats?

Dermatophytes are a group of microscopic fungi that cause ringworm. Contrary to what the name suggests, ringworm is not caused by worms. Ringworm is characterized by red ring marks that go around the inflammation on the skin. The fungi feed on skin, hair, and nails.

For cats, the most common areas of infection include the face, ears, forelegs, chest, and feet. Symptoms of ringworm in cats include bald spots with some lesions; rough deformed claws, ashy dandruff, and frequent grooming and scratching of an area. Cats can catch ringworm when they get in contact with other infected animals or humans, or from spores that are living on surfaces like bedding, carpet, furniture, and others.


What To Do When You Suspect Your Cat has Ringworm?

Ringworm in cats is often confused with other skin conditions like flea allergy or dermatitis. It’s important to get your cat diagnosed as soon as you observe a symptom. Do not try home remedies or anti-fungal medication before you are sure that your cat’s condition is ringworm. Your vet may prescribe oral or topical medication that you need to consistently adhere to if you want the best result in the shortest amount of time and prevent reinfection.

Your cat will potentially remain contagious for about three weeks after medication so ensure to keep the environment clean to decontaminate the surroundings. Keep them isolated with minimal contact during this time. With some time and patience, your cat will recover completely.

Sparkle Kitty