What Foods Are Toxic to Cats?
As humans, we like to share almost everything we have with our family members including our pets who we treat as part of our family too. However, feeding your cats human foods can sometimes harm them even if you had a good intention in sharing your food with them. Some human foods will not only cause your cat an upset stomach but can even be fatal to them so make sure never to give these foods to your feline friends:
1. Alcohol
Foods and drinks containing alcohol can cause certain health problems to your cat including vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, and even death.
2. Chocolate
Chocolates contain methylxanthines which are substances that are toxic to cats. The concentration of these substances varies per chocolate with cocoa powder having the highest concentration of methylxanthines.
3. Coffee
Like chocolate, coffee also contains methylxanthines, specifically caffeine, that may cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and death.
4. Citrus
Lemons, limes, oranges, and other citrus fruits contain citric acid and oils that can cause health problems in cats. Small amounts may only cause an upset stomach, but large doses can lead to death.
5. Coconut
Coconut water and flesh contain high levels of potassium which are not safe for cats and other pets. It can cause them serious digestive problems.
6. Dairy
Most cats are lactose intolerant, so they aren’t able to process dairy found in milk, cheese, and yogurt. Feeding them to your pet can cause digestive problems.
7. Grapes and Raisins
While the reason why grapes and raisins are poisonous to cats and dogs remains unknown, hard evidence exists that they can lead to kidney failure.
8. Nuts
Most nuts such as macadamia, almonds, pecans, and walnuts contain rich oils that can cause a digestive upset in pets and even pancreatitis in cats.
9. Raw Meat
Raw or undercooked meat such as chicken, fish, pork, and even eggs contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria that cause food poisoning in both cats and humans.
10. Certain Vegetables
Some vegetables are safe and even healthy for cats but onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, shallots, chives, and foods that contain them must never be fed to cats.
Before putting your cat on a new diet or giving them food you are unsure is safe for cats, ask your vet first to ensure your pet’s safety and good health.
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