Top 10 Best Cat Accounts to Follow on TikTok

Tiktok is one of the best platforms to entertain yourself with cute and funny content on cats. If you’re looking for the best accounts to follow for your daily dose of cuteness, check out these cat accounts that are oozing with fun and endless adorableness.
With over 1.1 million followers on Tiktok, Jack’s cleverness and assertiveness certainly has won over the affection of cat lovers and other Tiktok users.
Who knew that being a couch potato would land Mr. Potato almost 2 million followers? Being irresistibly lovable helped a lot, too.
Over 1.4 million people are entertained by this account dedicated to the many adventures of Uno, a cat with one ear.
If you want to feel happy, join this cute and playful cat to explore the world and enjoy all things from cat plays to Disney movies.
Remi and Hercules are cat brothers who love playing dress-up and doing their funny take on Tiktok trends.
This pretty kitty attracted more than half a million followers for his funny antics and the hilarious way he “talks” to his paw parent.
This account features adorable foster cats doing what they do best: playing, relaxing, and being cute. It is no wonder the account has amassed almost 500k followers.
If you’re a fan of cats and games, you’ll definitely enjoy playing ‘where’s Walter’. You can’t help but laugh at his genuine facial expressions.
This account chronicles the everyday lives of three unbelievably lovable kitties as they go about their day in classic Tiktok fashion.
Eloise, a fluffy Ragdoll cat with piercing blue eyes, will make you fall in love with her one adorable video at a time.
Cats on the Internet are certainly a popular pastime for a lot of people. If you’re creating content with your cat in the spotlight, don’t force them to do things they don’t want to do just for content. Make sure that you’ll always have their best interest in mind.

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