Why Do Cats Roll Over Into Their Backs But Not Let You Touch Their Bellies?
It’s common knowledge dogs love to have their tummies rubbed when they freely lay down before you and roll onto their backs. But, if you’re also familiar with cats, you know that when they roll onto their backs with their bellies exposed, rubbing the belly will most likely result in bleeding. So why do they do this? advertisement An expression of trust Cat behaviorists will likely answer that it’s a sign of trust when cats roll over and expose their bellies. That is true, indeed. But is it also a request to rub their bellies? The fact that your cat
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Crystal Therapy and Cats
If you believe in the healing powers of crystals during your meditation or if you collect them because they are shiny and pretty, there is no denying that crystals have been beneficial in your life. What many people do not know is that healing crystals can be used on animals as well as humans. There is no doubt that crystals can also be beneficial for cats due to their calming and balancing effects. advertisement How Crystal Therapy Works for Cats Crystal healing is a technique for healing that works through resonance. Depending on their type and nature, healing crystals have vibrational frequency and amplitude that resonate with and attract the energies of some desirable traits. Cats are creatures who are sensitive enough to the subtle energies of crystal healing, so they too can reap the benefits of healing crystals. When it comes to cats, the effects of crystal therapy may include: Calming or balancing emotions. Reducing stress and anxiety. Energizing the physical body. Treating common cat ailments. When using crystal therapy for your cat, the most crucial factor is to have a clear intention of your desired outcome. In addition, make sure to maintain a positive atmosphere throughout your house to maximize the specific effects of the crystals. For large crystals, you may place them in areas your cat likes to hang out, like his cage, bed, or garden. Tiny crystals, meanwhile, can be embedded into your cat’s collar or harness. advertisement Best Healing Crystals for Cats Each crystal has its own unique “personality” in the form of vibrations that can attract different desirable traits for your cat. Here are the top crystals used for cat crystal therapy: Clear Quartz. Due to its helical spiral crystalline structure, Clear Quartz is one of the most versatile, multipurpose, and powerful healing stones available. There is no condition that it cannot treat, making it a master healer. By stimulating the immune system, restoring balance to the body, and restoring and amplifying energy systems, it can facilitate any healing your cat may need and enhance and cleanse her organs. Chevron Amethyst. This crystal is ideal for cats who suffer separation anxiety. An overactive mind is calmed by using this stone, which will quickly soothe your cat’s body and prevent her from being overstimulated. It will help her remain calm in times of stress and confusion. Howlite. Howlite is the best crystal to use for improving your cat’s mood. Howlite is a calming stone that also helps to alleviate pain and stress and balances calcium levels. Sodalite. Sodalite is especially beneficial for cats who exhibit aggressive and hyperactive behaviors. The mind is calmed by sodalite. Sodalite brings emotional balance and also soothes panic attacks. Rose Quartz. This crystal effectively opens the hearts of rescued or mistreated cats. Positive vibrations are transmitted through Rose Quartz to dispel negativity. There is no need to worry about your cat’s safety since crystal therapy is a non-invasive and harmless modality. To be safe, however, it is recommended to conduct
How to Help Your Cat Deal With Hairballs
Cleaning up nasty soggy hairballs is something that most cat owners have learned to live with. But hairballs from cats are not only unpleasant for the one who has to clean them up but especially annoying and uncomfortable for your pet too. Hairballs are pretty common among felines especially since they groom themselves all the time. However, serious cases of hairballs can cause intestinal blockages and other health problems in cats. As a responsible pet owner, it’s your job to help your feline friend deal with hairballs better. advertisement Cat Hairballs Causes and Symptoms To learn how to deal with hairballs, first, you should know what causes them and the early symptoms your cat may exhibit when they catch it. Hairballs develop in your cat’s stomach from his healthy and fastidious grooming routine. Cats have hook-like structures on their tongues that catch loose dead hair which they swallow. While most of these hairs pass through the digestive tract smoothly, some fibers stay in the stomach and form a hairball. Long-haired cat breeds are more likely to throw up hairballs. Hacking, gagging, and retching are common symptoms that cats manifest when trying to vomit the hairball. Watch out for the following hairball symptoms that may pose life-threatening risks to your pet: Ongoing vomiting without producing a hairball Lack of appetite Lethargy Constipation Diarrhea advertisement Remedies for Hairballs While hairballs aren’t typically dangerous for your pet, they can be unpleasant for them to cough up. Here’s what you can do to help your cat get through it better next time: Groom your cat regularly. Less loose hairs mean less fur down your cat’s digestive tract. Feed your pet specialized “hairball formula” cat food. Instead of regular cat food, feed specialized cat food formula with natural fiber to control hairballs. Give your cat a hairball laxative. If your cat is having a hard time coughing up hairballs, give him some hairball medicine or laxative to help him expel the hairballs and treat related constipation. With your cat’s hairball problem dealt better, you will not only ensure your cat’s good health but also a great relationship with your pet.
Trimming Your Cat’s Claws? Here are 5 Easy Tips to Help You
Cats with untrimmed nails are a danger not only to their owners but to themselves as well. That said, trimming their claws is non-negotiable. The problem is that trimming a cat’s nails is not the easiest nor the most enjoyable chore to do. We got you! We’ve gathered some tips on how to do it more successfully and safely this time. advertisement Get Your Cat Accustomed to Getting Their Feet Touched Some cats don’t like having their feet played with as much as they hate having them trimmed. It’s worth the effort to make them comfortable with having their paws touched. You should rub one paw gently for two or three seconds between your fingers. Watch for your cat’s movement as you do this. Extend one nail by squeezing the paw. Then release it immediately and reward your cat. You can repeat this two or three times a day until your cat becomes accustomed to it and doesn’t resist it as much. When to Trim Your Cat’s Nails? Timing is key when it comes to grooming your cat. Always cut your cat’s nails in a clean, calm, and quiet location with no distractions from other pets in the house. Find a comfortable seat where your kitty can lounge on your lap as you trim his nails. It is most ideal to cut your cat’s claws when he is least active such as after a meal when he feels sleepy. Make sure your cat is in a calm mood before attempting to cut his nails. Useful Tips when Trimming Cats Claws Get the tools and your cat ready because you’re about to learn some useful tips on trimming your cat’s claws. 1. Examine your cat’s nail. Familiarize yourself with the quick—the pink, fleshy part of the claw where blood vessels run through. Be very careful not to clip it. If you’re having trouble identifying where the quick is, use a small flashlight to shine through your cat’s claw. 2. Cut no more than 1/16 of an inch. Start by clipping as little of the claw as you can. Doing it slow and steady ensures accuracy and the safety of your cat. 3. Give your cat a treat. Positive reinforcement is important to ensure your kitty is willing to get his nails trimmed again next time. Reward him after a successful clipping process. 4. Have styptic powder ready. Just in case you accidentally clip a part of your cat’s quick, apply styptic powder right away to stop the bleeding and avoid infection. 5. Focus on one nail at a time. Don’t expect to get everything trimmed on the first try. As your cat gets comfortable with having his nails trimmed, you can finish more next time. advertisement Establish a Clipping Schedule It is recommended to trim cats’ claws every week and a half to every two weeks. Keeping your cat’s nails under control is easier if you establish a routine. Ask your groomer or veterinarian for advice if you’re having trouble trimming
Why Does My Cat Cackle?
Cats make all kinds of sounds all the time such as meowing, growling, purring, and many more. Perhaps one of the rare sounds they make is cackling or what others call “cat chirping”. Your cat may have let out a funny sound from his throat, like an abrupt bird chirping, and you’re wondering what he means by it. Cackling in cats may be more common than you think. advertisement When Do Cats Cackle? According to experts, cats produce a cackling or chirping sound usually when they are provoked by prey. When they see a bird or a rodent, for example, cats may display their interest in catching the animal by making that sound. More often than not, cats cackle when they are unable to get to their prey. For example, your cat is watching a bird from the window, and he can’t get to where the bird is. Many experts interpret the cackling sound from cats as an overwhelming excitement and frustration for not being able to catch their prey when they want to. advertisement Why Does My Cat Cackle at Me? You’ve just learned that cats make a chirping sound when they are excited by a potential prey they have spotted. Now, you recall a time when your cat cackled at you. Does this mean he thinks of you as prey? Not at all, so don’t panic! It might just mean that your cat is demanding something from you like food, attention, or some extra treats. Next time your cat cackles at you, try giving him one of those things and see if it does the trick. Cats are mysterious creatures, and their silly behavior can easily put a smile on any cat lover’s face. You’ve just solved the mystery of why your cat cackles but don’t expect it to be the last strange thing your cat will do. After all, it’s the weird things that your cat does that make you fall in love with him.
8 Different Types of Litter: Which One is Best for Me?
Kitty litter is the one thing that cat owners should never run out of. Cats are clean creatures, and they prefer to bury their urine and poop when defecating. Litter is the medium in which cats will bury their wastes plus it can control the odor. If you’re buying kitty litter for the first time or are looking to switch your old one, here’s what you should know about it. advertisement What are the 8 Kinds of Cat Litter? Knowing what the types of cat litter are and how they differ from others will help you decide which one to choose. Clay. It is the most popular type of kitty litter which uses carbon and plant extracts to control odor. Corn. Litter made from corn is an eco-friendly alternative as it is biodegradable, and it comes in scented or natural-scented variants. Coconut Husk. This type of litter has a natural scent and is dust-free. It is, however, more difficult to find than traditional litter. Wheat. Wheat kitty litter absorbs odor well and clumps naturally although not as much as clay litter. Wood. Wood litter often has a pine odor that some pet owners may find too strong. It doesn’t clump and it acts as a natural deodorizer. Walnut Shells. Litter made from walnut shells are highly absorbent and are low in dust. They are great for the earth-conscious as their source is renewable. Recycled Newspaper. Most cat litter made from recycled newspapers is unscented and they are the cheapest type too. They are best for cats recovering from surgery. Silica. Silica cat litter is more expensive than other types but they are reusable for about one month so they can be more practical. advertisement Choosing the Right Type of Cat Litter To help you decide on which type of kitty litter is best for you and your pet, ask yourself these questions: Do I prefer scented or natural? Does biodegradability matter to me? Is clumping or non-clumping litter better for my cat? How much odor control do I need from the litter? Once you have the answer to these questions, we’re sure that you can settle on the right type of kitty litter for your fur baby. Our list of litter types above can serve as your guide in choosing the right one.
5 Useful Tips on How to Properly Photograph Your Cat
As pet owners, nothing makes us happier than a frame-worthy photo of our best buddy. One thing all pet owners will agree to, however, is that animals are not the easiest models to work for photoshoots. Cats, in particular, tend to have an attitude and can be pretty stubborn about posing for a portrait. We prepared top tips shared by pet photographers on how to secure the perfect shot of your kitty: advertisement 1. Have patience when taking cat pictures. Taking pictures of cats is notoriously difficult. You will not be able to take most of the shots you want; cats do not sit still for long periods of time. It is better to accept the randomness and slow pace of the process. Observe the cat patiently and have your camera ready. So, you can simply fire off a few frames when your cat strikes an interesting pose. 2. Pick the right lighting. If possible, choose soft, natural light. Indoors, a large window is usually the best option. It is best to take pictures on overcast days; the bright sun can cast strange shadows or make the background too bright. On a bright day, you will usually get the best pictures when the sun is low in the sky. If possible, don’t use a flash, as it can cause your cat discomfort as well as cause red-eye. 3. Lie on the ground to get closer to your cat. Get down on your cat’s level. Try looking them in the eye with the camera. Photo where you are a part of the cat’s world, rather than the other way around, has a greater impact and better displays the animal’s personality. 4. Play with toys and make sounds to attract the cat’s attention. Photographs pose a challenge to cats, as we all know. They will turn away just as you set up your shot; they will lie down just as you’re about to shoot some action, and they will sniff the lens as soon as you set up your shot. When the right tools are used, cats are not totally unpredictable. If you crunch a paper bag with one hand while holding the camera with the other, your cat will often look over, and you can grab a few pictures. Consider bringing a toy out for livelier photos. If you shoot with one hand while moving the toy with the other, you’re sure to get shots of your cat looking interested. advertisement 5. Use the right composition for the best shots. You should emphasize your main subject as much as possible. Frame your cat with other elements in the composition. You can, for example, shoot through long grass, shrubs, or tree foliage to give the cat a nice, natural frame. Additionally, you can shoot through human-made objects, such as chair legs, banister railings, towel cupboards, and even windows. There are endless variations to this technique; the key is to be creative! Cats are naturally photogenic, so you don’t have to do much
Plants and Cats: Which Ones are Unsafe for Cats?
It can sometimes happen that our feline friends can be a little too curious about our house plants that they nibble them. Generally, cats are safe to play with most plants, but there are some that can pose serious dangers to your cat. If you are planning on buying your next plant, make sure you keep an eye out for those that should be kept away from cats. advertisement Plants that are harmful to cats You don’t have to be concerned about cats eating everything, since they don’t just chow down on anything the way dogs like to gnaw on an assortment of things. Their curiosity, however, can sometimes get the best of them, so it is best to keep these plants away from them so they don’t nibble on them. Aloe vera Azalea Castor bean Chrysanthemum Cyclamen Daffodil Daisy English ivy Hyacinth Kalanchoe Lilies (Stargazers, Tiger, Easter) Lily of the valley Marijuana Oleander Poinsettia Sago palm Tulip Your cats could get in trouble with one lick on these plants or even just by drinking the plant water. Avoid growing them in your house or garden altogether to ensure the safety of your pet. Cat-Friendly Plants Don’t worry! You can still keep some greenery in your home to make it look aesthetic. Just stay clear of the dangerous plants for cats listed above and go for safer plant options instead. Cats love catnip and cat grass plus they are completely free to munch on these types of plants as much as they want to. Consider growing these plants instead. If you’re looking for more ornamental plants, these are safe for your kitty, too: American rubber plant Areca palm Bamboo Basil Echeveria succulents Boston fern Cilantro Money tree Phalaenopsis orchid Roses Spider plant Sunflower Be vigilant of how much your cat eats off these plants, though, as too much of them can upset their stomachs. advertisement What to do if your cat ate a plant you’re unsure about You should consult your vet immediately if your cat eats a plant you are unsure of. Put your cat in a safe confined space (well away from the plant), remain calm, and remove any plant fragments around your cat’s mouth, paws, or fur. Head to the vet as soon as possible. If your cat has ingested a plant, identify it, then call your veterinarian or emergency vet if it’s after hours. Inform them of the situation and that your cat will be seen by the vet soon. You can also bring a sample of the plant or vomit containing the plant material to your vet if you are unsure which plant your cat ate. Identifying the plant your cat has eaten is crucial when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. A vet needs to run a series of tests to diagnose which poison your cat has ingested if you are unable to identify the plant or provide a sample of the plant matter. Cats can live harmoniously with your plants, and you can
Why you need a cat backpack
Many cats make a beeline for their favorite hiding place as soon as they see the cat carrier come out. Cats in their carriers are prone to sliding around because of the constant shuffle and movement, making it frightening for your poor kitty. The result is that cat backpacks are becoming increasingly popular and constantly trending on social media. There are a few things you should know and prepare for if you want to jump on this trend with your cat. advertisement Give them a chance to hide Don’t buy your cat a backpack that is completely transparent. You should be able to allow your cat to hide in the backpack if they wish. We recommend backpacks with lined mesh areas so your cat can be seen if they want to be seen. Get the right size When your cat is in its backpack, it’s very important that there are plenty of holes for fresh air to circulate. Furthermore, cat parents and guardians should also ensure their cats can fit comfortably in the backpack so that they can move about freely. When closed, your cat should be able to turn around and stand up comfortably in the backpack. How to get your cat comfortable with the cat backpack It will take your cat some time to get used to the idea of their new backpack, just like with anything else you introduce to them. Here are some tips to help ease the transition. Don’t force your cat to try anything new, especially a cat backpack or carrier. Instead, let your cat walk up to the backpack and sniff it on its own. Another tip is to wear the backpack a few times without your cat so your cat will smell your scent and feel more comfortable. You can also spray the backpack both inside and outside with Feliway spray. You can hide some treats inside the backpack or in compartments inside or outside. You can close the backpack for a few minutes at a time if your cat does not seem to mind being inside it with their treats. If your cat wants to come out, let them. If your cat is comfortable inside the backpack, put it on and take a walk around the house or backyard so they become accustomed to the change in movement. Reward your cat with their favorite treat after the short walk. She should be ready to take a ride in the car or bike ride with you in their new cat backpack after a few successful short trips. advertisement Don’t skimp on your comfort too Picking the right cat backpack is important for your cat’s comfort, but it’s just as important for you! When choosing the right cat backpack, look for adjustable straps that are padded for your comfort. If you have or have had a neck, shoulder, or back injury, talk to your doctor before buying a cat backpack. Cat backpacks can actually relieve your cat’s anxiety when going to the vet,
Ways to Connect Elderly People With Cats That Need Homes
With so many stray cats needing a home and many elderly folks having so much love to give, connecting seniors with cats is a win-win. Getting seniors their own pet benefits both the senior and the adopted animal as they can find companionship in each other and science has proven there are real health benefits of having a cat. advertisement Understanding Cats and Seniors Cats generally make ideal pets for people of all ages and from all walks of life. But they make especially good companions for the elderly for a number of reasons. For one, cats can improve the mood of seniors as being isolated can make them feel depressed. Having a pet to talk to and care for reignites their sense of purpose in life. Felines also require minimal care so even elderly people who have physical limitations can care for cats. They might even get more exercise with a cat around and improve their physical condition. Where Can Seniors Get a Cat? If you have a senior in the family or know an elderly person who is looking to get a cat, you can assist them by connecting them to cats that need homes through these sources: Shelter Adopting instead of shopping for pets is our recommended way of getting a pet for seniors. Adoption is less expensive than buying a cat plus seniors can enjoy extra discounts on adoption fees which most shelters offer. advertisement Fostering By giving rescues a temporary home, you are socializing them which raises their chances of getting adopted. You are also helping the shelter make space for more cats to be taken in and saved. For elderly folks who are unsure if they want to commit to a new furry friend, this is a great way to help your local pet shelters and to give pet parenthood a try without committing to a pet for life. Pets For the Elderly Organizations like Pets For the Elderly connects with shelter and help connect senior folks more easily with pets by helping with any shelter fees, pre-adoption veterinary exams, and spaying/neutering. Reach out to any of their participating shelters to learn more. Seniors may need help beyond finding and adopting a cat for themselves. Be ready to assist them in getting the necessary pet supplies and provide them with follow-up support as needed.
5 Charitable Ways to Give Back to Our Kitty Friends
“If only I could adopt all the cats in the world” is probably a thought that has crossed the minds of all cat lovers at least once in their journey as fur parents. While it is physically impossible to care for the millions of stray cats across the globe on your own, there are ways you can still extend your help to them. advertisement 1. Foster cats. By giving rescues a temporary home, you are socializing them and teaching them how to co-exist with other pets which raises their chances of getting adopted. You are also helping the shelter make space for more cats to be taken in and saved. 2. Sign up for charity events. Fun runs and pet contests are the usual fundraising activities for animal shelters. You can contribute to the cause while bonding with your pet at the same time by choosing to participate in charitable events like those. 3. Start a fundraiser for cat rescues. If you have a network of cat lovers like yourself, you can encourage them to give back as well by collecting their donations to be donated together to your local animal shelter or chosen charitable institution for cats. advertisement 4. Share the links for cat charities on your social media. The more people that know about a cause, the higher its chances of getting donations and reaching its goal. By simply clicking the share button on Facebook or Twitter, you can help charities get to their fundraiser goal faster. 5. Donate to charities for cats. If you just don’t have the space to foster cats or the time to participate in charitable events yourself, the least you can do is wire your donation to the charity. Any amount matters and will go a long way in saving the lives of many cats. Our favorite is Alley Cat Allies. ACA is a very reputable charity that is responsible for many Trap-Neuter-Returns (TNR) which saves the lives of feral cats and helps reduce the stray/feral cat population. If you want to learn more about stray cats and what to do if you come across one, check out this article! Giving back the love and joy you found in your pet doesn’t only feel nice on the inside, but it is also literally making a difference in the world. Even through the simple charitable ways we suggested above, you can be the hero a lonely cat out there has been hoping for.
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