Why Do Cats Roll Over Into Their Backs But Not Let You Touch Their Bellies?
It’s common knowledge dogs love to have their tummies rubbed when they freely lay down before you and roll onto their backs. But, if you’re also familiar with cats, you know that when they roll onto their backs with their bellies exposed, rubbing the belly will most likely result in bleeding. So why do they do this? advertisement An expression of trust Cat behaviorists will likely answer that it’s a sign of trust when cats roll over and expose their bellies. That is true, indeed. But is it also a request to rub their bellies? The fact that your cat
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Why the Ancient Egyptians Worshiped Cats
The people in Ancient Egypt held cats in such high regard, along with other animals, but the cat was favored the most. Cats had a special place in just about every home in Egypt, and they were loved beyond measure. Egyptians might have been considered extreme with their love for cats; they would even put the safety of their cat above their own. You might be wondering what fueled this deep love Egyptians had for cats. Well, there are several reasons why Egyptians worshipped cats. One reason was that they saw cats as great protectors, and the other was that they saw them as divine beings. As a result, cats became sacred and were deeply ingrained in their belief systems. Let’s explore a few reasons why cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt. advertisement Why cats were worshipped in Egypt They protected food supplies. During a time in history when food was not as abundant as today, pests were a serious concern. Cats played an essential role in keeping food stores safe from snakes, rats, and mice. Cats were welcomed into homes and held in high regard for helping to secure food supplies. This relationship between the Egyptians and their feline friends was beneficial to both. The cats got a lovely cozy home with an abundance of food, and people living in the house got free pest control. They were considered good luck. For example, Egyptians believed you had a cat appear while you were dreaming, you would soon receive good fortune. Companions in the afterlife. It was thought that if you had a cat while you were alive, your cat would go onto the afterlife with you and be your companion there. In fact, there have been many mummified cats recovered in Egypt. Pets to the royals. Much like today, people look to the royal family for trends. In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs kept cats adorned with gold and jewels. Lower-class citizens didn’t have the means to use gold and jewels for their cats, but they did create their own jewelry that featured cats. Cat-like Egyptian God and Goddess Ancient Egypt had its share of cat deities, which is why cats were held in such high regard. Mafdet Mafdet was the very first Egyptian goddess that had cat features with the head of a cheetah. Mafdet was a goddess of protection and was portrayed as a fierce goddess. She would protect the home from scorpions and venomous snakes. Bastet Bastet is the more famous Egyptian goddess. She was initially believed to be a goddess of protection and looked over the entire Kingdom to protect it from invaders. Over time her role changed, and she took on the part of the goddess of fertility, family, and love. Bes Bes was known as the protector of children. Unlike other cats, gods, and goddesses, Bes did not have their temple like other gods and goddesses in Egypt. Instead, he was thought to wander around from home to home, protecting the children in those homes.
Have a Cat Friendly Safe and Fun 4th of July
Having friends over for a backyard barbecue, some fireworks, and a rowdy celebration is a great way to celebrate the 4th of July. However, you must be aware that the 4th of July parties can threaten your cat. These tips will help you keep your cat safe this summer and during the 4th of July festivities. advertisement Some BBQ Food Is Unsafe You might be tempted to treat your cat with table scraps during a summer barbecue but that might not be a good idea. Your cat may become sick if she consumes sauces and seasonings on barbecued food. Salmonella poisoning can also result from eating raw beef or chicken and bones can cause choking and cause GI perforation or dangerous GI obstructions. Cats can suffer serious health problems if they consume alcoholic beverages unattended, even in small amounts. Keep all food and drinks out of reach of your cat. Check out this post for more information about toxic human foods for cats. Also, keep a close eye on lighter fluid and matches while barbecuing; these can be toxic to cats. Be sure to make the rules clear to guests. Let your guests know not to let your cat out of the house if you are having a party. Party commotion can stress your cat, causing her to run and hide from the noise. To be safe it’s best if your cat does not have access to the outside. However, your feline friend could easily escape when a guest leaves the front door wide open during a party. If any entries in your home provide your cat with an exit, you might want to put a sign that says, “Please close the door, cat is an escape artist.” Make sure your cat has a safe place to hide during fireworks. It is best to confine your cat in a safe room at least an hour before the fireworks go off on the 4th of July. By doing so, you can ensure that she does not panic and run away. Your cat may feel calmer if she has a favorite toy, a scratching post or pad, and a cat bed. It is also possible to soothe the noise outside by playing classical music or leaving on the TV. Put a note on the door alerting people not to let your cat out if you keep your cat in a safe room and anticipate guests. advertisement Indoors is the best place for outdoor cats. Place your outdoor cat inside a room and always have a break-away collar with an attached ID tag that contains up-to-date information on her, just in case she panics and runs away during all the noise. Also, consider putting your cat in her carrier during your party, or at least while the fireworks go off if you think your cat might escape. The noise from the fireworks could be frightening to a cat outdoors. Safely Store Home Fireworks Even unlit fireworks within the home can be dangerous. Keep
The Odd-Eyed Cat (AKA Heterochromia)
Cats are already beautiful and fascinating creatures, but people are bound to take notice when they have something as captivating as two different colored eyes. Odd-eyed cats always have one blue eye paired with either a green, yellow, or brown eye. This form of heterochromia occurs in other animals, including humans. Odd-eyed cats are most commonly white, but a cat of any color can be affected if it possesses the white spotting gene (a gene that determines a cat’s coat color). advertisement The Science During fetal development, stem cells migrate to different body parts, where they differentiate into other types of cells. Some stem cells migrate to the eye, becoming melanocytes and under certain conditions, melanocytes won’t reach the other eye. One eye will have melanocytes, which give it its pigmentation (green, amber, or brown), while the other eye remains blue due to the lack of melanin. This is due to migration sometimes being inhibited by the dominant white gene and the white-spotting gene. It is also a common misconception that all odd-eyed cats are born deaf in one ear. Approximately 60–70% of odd-eyed cats can hear, so it’s not true. The aging process in cats causes about 10-20% of normal-eyed cats to become deaf. White cats with one or two blue eyes do, however, have a higher incidence of genetic deafness, with the white gene sometimes causing cochlear degeneration shortly after birth. advertisement The Turkish Angora Cat Turkey’s Ankara Zoo has a breeding program to preserve pure white Turkish Angora cats with blue and amber eyes. According to Turkish folklore, “the eyes must be as green as the lake and as blue as the sky,” so the zoo prized those Angoras with one blue eye and one amber eye. The Turkish Angora was almost extinct in Europe at one point, and the breed may have been lost entirely if the cats had not been kept in a Turkish zoo. Turkish Angoras are one of the two native breeds of cats in Turkey. The Ankara Zoo began a massive project to preserve and protect them. In addition to their scientifically and genetically sound breeding program, the zoo kept these cats in impeccable conditions and kept meticulous records. The Turkish people and government regarded their breeding program as a significant achievement. Cats are captivating and beautiful creatures. We would all love to see the world through our furry friends’ eyes, but today, we will have to settle for a little bit of science behind heterochromia in cats.
Who is Jock VII and Why is His Life Important?
World history tells tales of famous cats from different eras who have had significant contributions to the world or have been loyal companions to royal families for generations. One of the most popular cats in history is Jock VII or specifically, the Jock lineage of cats of the Churchill family in Kent. How did such a cat become so well-known in different parts of the world? advertisement Who is Jock VII? The history of the cat lineage that Jock VII succeeds began in 1966 when the Churchill family, upon leaving their home to the National Trust, requested for a marmalade cat to always be in comfortable residence at Chartwell, the family home of Sir Winston Churchill. This marmalade cat must be named Jock, wear a white bib, and have four white paws. The National Trust has honored the request of the Churchill family for generations and has recently welcomed Jock VII to the property. Jock VII was a six-month-old rescue kitten when he took on the unique role of being Chartwell’s resident cat in 2020. He, like all the other Jocks before him, is a marmalade cat with four white paws. Before being adopted by Chartwell’s Visitor Experience Manager, Jock VII is known as “Sunshine” and was rescued by the RSPCA from a litter of very weak and malnourished kittens. The very first and original cat named Jock was a birthday present to Churchill from a private secretary of his, John ‘Jock’ Colville, which the cat was named after. advertisement Jock VII’s Life Today Jock VII’s predecessor, Jock VI, found life at Chartwell very hard when he had gone nearly 100% blind. It became too dangerous for him to be at Chartwell that they decided to retire him from public life after six years. The current Jock of Chartwell, Jock VII, is living a very happy and comfortable life at the property according to Viktoria Austen, Visitor Experience Manager at the National Trust property Chartwell. He has grown into a mischievous cat who loved to follow the gardeners and persuade everyone to give him snacks throughout the day. The lineage of cats named Jock of the Churchill family truly is a fascinating story to tell. It’s even more impressive that the National Trust has upheld the request of the family for many years and vows to continue doing so in the future. Jock VII is one of the lucky ones who have been chosen to live this one-of-a-kind role.
The History of Cats on Ships
For a long time, cats have been top-choice companions for seafarers. And it wasn’t just naval ships that brought cats on board, but ships including trading, exploration, and some pirate ships in the past have also been recorded to have cats on their ships. It seems that almost every ship, whether public or private, has its own cat which made the term “ship’s cat” popular. advertisement Why Did Ships Have Cats? The very first seafarers recorded in history to realize the value of cats as shipmates were the ancient Egyptians. During their voyages, Egyptians always had cats onboard and many experts believe it was for good luck and to appease their feline goddess Bastet. As more ships voyaged to trade goods, go on expeditions, and for military purposes, cats have become even more popular companions for sailors onboard. The primary reason cats were brought on to ships, aside from providing companionship on long travels, is that they help control vermin. Rats and mice are a serious problem on ships as they can eat the limited food supply, damage ropes, and spread diseases. Cats prevent ships from being overrun by mice to ensure a successful voyage for the ships. Others believe in superstitions, like the Egyptians, that cats protected them by bringing good luck and that their tails had magical powers to control the weather. They also believed in the cats’ ability to guide them in case of a shipwreck at night because of their keen eyesight. advertisement Ships and Cats Today Are ships still bringing cats onboard today as they did in the past? Not exactly. In 1975, the Royal Navy banned cats and other pet animals from all ships on the ocean due to hygiene concerns. However, many private ships still have cats with them on their ships up until now. This goes to show that cats have always been reliable companions even in the beginning of civilization. Ship cats were not only helping sailors overcome loneliness from being away from their homes and families, but more importantly, they literally saved lives by preventing an infestation of disease-spreading vermin on the ships. Cats have proven themselves to be worthy friends to keep for life in the past until the present time.
Laser Pointers and Cats: Are They Safe to Use?
The chasing of red dots, also known as laser pointer projections, is a favorite pastime of many cats. But why do they like lasers so much? Do they cause harm to cats? Laser pointers are popular among cats for many reasons. However, when appropriately used, lasers can be beneficial to your cat. advertisement What Makes Cats Like Lasers? Natural predators, cats often exhibit a high prey drive and instinctual drive to catch rodents, birds, and bugs. You can see it in the way your cat stares at little bugs crawling on the floor before pouncing on them or how he looks longingly at the birds at the birdfeeder. Occasionally, your outdoor cat may leave you “presents,” like birds, lizards, or mice on your doormat. What are the effects of lasers on cats? Maybe you have heard that laser pointers are not safe for cats. But all you need to do is make sure you use the laser pointer in a way that fulfills your cat’s hunting instinct without causing stress. Here are some approaches on how to use a laser safely with your cat: Avoid overworking your cat or allowing them to hurt themselves with the laser. Try starting slow, for instance, if your cat tends to be on the lazy side. Be careful where you point the laser pointer. Avoid shining the laser directly into your cat’s eyes, and do not aim it high up on the wall. If your cat attempts to jump higher than it should, it can cause injuries. It would help if you occasionally let your cat catch laser pointers and other chasing toys. Building confidence is one of the benefits of this. Nobody likes to play a game they can’t win, and the same goes for your cat. It can help make the game more fun if you let your cat chase the red dot for a while, then shine the pointer on a favorite toy for them to catch. It can feel like the cat has successfully completed a hunt making it more fun for both of you! advertisement What are the benefits of laser pointers for cats? Laser pointers can be excellent for helping cats lose weight and stimulate their minds. They can also teach cats to play with each other while building their self-confidence. Most housecats lead sedentary lives, resulting in boredom, obesity, and aggression towards their housemates and humans. Obesity is a common problem for pets; pets need a proper diet and regular exercise. As pet parents, we can take advantage of our cats’ natural prey drive to keep them mentally and physically healthy. With a good diet and a laser pointer, you can get your cat moving. Laser pointers can also be helpful for bonding cats. For example, when trying to introduce a new cat to your family, laser pointers can serve as an effective distraction while the cats are in the same room. Laser pointer lights that move in opposite directions should be given to each cat to
Cat Leg Whiskers: AKA Carpal Whiskers
Whiskers on cats are adorable, but few people know that they serve a purpose far more significant than aesthetics. Whiskers may look like fur, but they are sensory organs that play an essential role in how cats interact with their environments. You’ve probably noticed that cats have whiskers on their face and eyebrows. In addition, cats have carpal whiskers located on their front legs that provide vital information about the objects in their grasp and are very important when hunting. advertisement What is the purpose of whiskers? Consider that cats must be able to hunt and defend themselves even at night or in dark places. Even if they can’t see, cats must still be able to move and hunt, and their whiskers provide them with the necessary information. Sensory organs like whiskers act like a cat’s GPS or radar. Even cats with long coats have whiskers that are much longer than their fur. However, their length isn’t random. A cat’s whiskers cover a distance almost equal to its body’s width on both sides of its mouth. When hunting, cats must be able to move quickly. To accomplish this, they need to be able to make quick decisions regarding their location and their actions. As a rule, a cat can fit in any space as wide as the length of its whiskers. This is because their whiskers allow them to determine if an area is too small for them quickly, preventing them from getting stuck. advertisement What Is the Purpose of Cat’s Leg Whiskers? Some people call leg whiskers ‘cat elbow whiskers’ because they are located on the underside of the cat’s wrist area. They provide information about objects within the cat’s grasp, such as prey. Cats use their forelegs to hold their prey when they catch it. Cats cannot see very close objects in great detail; they have their leg whiskers. Cats’ whiskers contain a robust nervous system that transmits information to their brains. When a cat holds its prey, the leg whiskers can provide very detailed information about the prey’s position and movement. As a result, it helps the cat react very quickly to the direction of its target, which allows it to be a better hunter. While its forelegs are specialized in grasping prey, its hind legs are specialized in another part of hunting, killing, and disemboweling prey. Based on information from the carpal whiskers about the position of the quarry it is grabbing, its hind legs can kick and scratch at its prey’s belly area. Cat owners are very familiar with this type of movement of the hind legs, also referred to as pumping. To immobilize the prey, they use their forelegs, while their hind legs are used to pump and pump. Perhaps you have seen your pet cat do this with toys, pillows, or even your arm. The cat’s hunting abilities give rise to this type of behavior we call playing. While it may look cute, remember this is your cat ripping its pretend meal to
Things You Must Know About Clicker Training Your Cat!
A “clicker” is a tool for marking and rewarding desirable conduct in animals that relies on behavioral psychology. A “clicker” marks desirable behavior by making a short, distinct sound when the animal does the right thing. advertisement What Is Clicker Training Cats Clicker training is a safe, effective, and humane method to teach a cat or any animal any desired behavior with clear communication and positive reinforcement. As your cat becomes accustomed to the sound of the clicker, she becomes much more likely to repeat the behavior you want. Be sure to use high-value rewards. ‘If you give your cat a treat she really enjoys – like chicken – then she’ll work harder for it. How to Clicker Train A Cat It’s important to remember that for all sessions, you’ll need patience, treats, and a cat that’s hungry and energetic. Train your furry friend only for five minutes at a time to keep it fun. Start out by sitting on the ground and holding the clicker out of her sight while holding a treat in your other hand. Once she comes to you for a treat, ‘click’ and reward her immediately. Repeat the process for one week. You will eventually train your cat to associate the clicker sound with the reward she will receive when she performs the correct behavior. The clicker can be used to call your cat in from the garden once she has mastered Step 1. Once your cat reliably comes to you at least nine times out of ten, you can use the clicker to call her in from the yard. Call her from short distances at first, and gradually increase the distance. A few different training tricks can also be introduced, for example, ‘give me your paw’ or ‘sit.’ advertisement The Easiest Tricks You Can Teach Your Cat Cats will learn to sit and give paws if they’re given the right motivation, and this is nothing more than expanding their natural abilities. Here are some easy tricks you can teach your cat. Fetch Throw her favorite toy just out of reach and rub some water from a tuna can on it. Your cat will begin to hunt for it. Give your cat a treat when it approaches the toy or picks it up. You may need to repeat the session a few times until your cat gets the idea. Sit Keep the clicker and treat out of sight of your cat while sitting on the floor. Once the cat acknowledges you, call it. Keep the treat just above your cat’s head. Once the cat sees the treat, she’ll sit automatically. Once she’s sitting, click and reward. Reward your cat only for excellent sitting when he or she becomes proficient. Add the word ‘sit’ to your pet’s vocabulary when he consistently sits 9 out of 10 times. High-five Make your cat come to you by rewarding him with a high-value reward, such as a piece of chicken. When your cat reaches up for the treat, you
Tips on Keeping Long-Haired Cats Mat-Free
The more hair, the fluffier and cuddlier your cat can be. Many pet owners prefer long-haired cats because of their adorable appearance and smooth fluffy texture. What most long-haired cat owners aren’t prepared for, however, is how prone to matting their cats can be. Matted hair isn’t only an eyesore for pet owners but is especially uncomfortable and even painful for cats. If you own a long-haired cat or plan to get one, here’s what you should know about keeping them mat-free: advertisement 1. Introduce brushing when your cat is still young. You’re at a real advantage if you have your cat while he is still a kitten. Make sure to get him used to brushing at grooming at a young age. 2. Use the right kind of brush to groom your cat. Depending on the hair type and length of your cat’s fur, use brushes and combs designed specifically for cats. You can use a combination of both too. 3. Use a mat breaker. As soon as you see mats on your cat’s hair, detangle them right away to prevent them from worsening using a mat breaker tool. 4. Make sure to groom the undercoat. Brush through your pet’s topcoat enough that you are able to get into the undercoat smoothly. The undercoat is where matting usually begins. 5. Feed your cat a well-balanced diet. What your cat eats may also contribute to the quality of fur he has and how prone it is to mats. Feed him top-quality cat food and give him vitamins too. advertisement 6. Hire a professional groomer. If your cat’s fur is matted beyond your control, don’t hesitate to take him to a professional groomer. They have the skills and tools to help your cat. 7. Get your cat checked by the vet. Matted fur is sometimes more than just a sign of poor hygiene or lack of proper grooming. There could be underlying health issues your pet is suffering from which causes his hair to mat easily. If you want to keep a happy, calm, and playful kitty in your household, do your part in helping him stay healthy and well-groomed. Follow the tips above if your feline friend is a long-haired fellow.
10 Cat Facts You May or May Not Know
Cats can recognize your voice. So if you think your cat is ignoring you when you call, rest assured, she is. Cats are actually more popular in the United States than dogs. There are about 88 million cats in the US vs. 75 million dogs. advertisement Cats can solve much more complicated cognitive problems than dogs. Cats are capable of learning new information, integrating it with existing information, recalling it, and using it in other contexts. Sorry, don’t blame the messenger. Cats and humans have nearly identical parts of the brain that control emotions. A cat’s brain also contains temporal, occipital, frontal, and parietal lobes. In addition, cats also have gray and white matter in their brains, and their brain connections appear to be similar to those of humans. Cats can move both of their ears separately. Not only that, but the position of a cat’s ears is an easy barometer of her mood. If her ears are back and flat, that’s one scared or mad cat. When cats bring you a dead animal, your cat thinks you’re a helpless kitten who can’t hunt for themself. While this tends to be a gross gesture, it’s nonetheless a gesture of love. To learn more about what to do when this happens, check out this post! Cats greet each other by touching noses. To mimic this, try extending your finger if you’re first meeting a cat and see if she touches the tip of your finger with her nose. Cats are far-sighted. This explains why she can see a fly across the room but a treat inches from her face can get lost (they can’t focus on anything a foot in front of their face). advertisement Cats have free-floating clavicle bones. This means if their head can fit through something, the rest of their body follows suit. It’s part of the reason why cats are liquid. If you’re allergic to cats, you’re not allergic to their fur, you’re allergic to their saliva. People who suffer from cat allergies react to the Fel D 1 protein found in cats’ saliva, skin, and urine. More about that and why hypoallergenic cats may or may not be a thing.
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