Why Do Cats Roll Over Into Their Backs But Not Let You Touch Their Bellies?
It’s common knowledge dogs love to have their tummies rubbed when they freely lay down before you and roll onto their backs. But, if you’re also familiar with cats, you know that when they roll onto their backs with their bellies exposed, rubbing the belly will most likely result in bleeding. So why do they do this? advertisement An expression of trust Cat behaviorists will likely answer that it’s a sign of trust when cats roll over and expose their bellies. That is true, indeed. But is it also a request to rub their bellies? The fact that your cat
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Texas Legalizes Trap-Neuter-Release Programs
In a groundbreaking move, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed House Bill 3660, offering legal protection to individuals involved in trap-neuter-release (TNR) cat programs. This milestone legislation shields those who return sterilized cats to the wild from potential criminal charges. While TNR programs are celebrated by cat lovers, the debate surrounding their efficacy and impact on wildlife remains contentious. Criticisms of TNR Programs The American Bird Conservancy has emerged as a vocal critic, highlighting the alarming number of birds that fall victim to cats. They argue against releasing feral cats, adding fuel to the ongoing debate. Under Texas law, the unreasonable abandonment of an animal under one’s care is considered a misdemeanor offense. Despite the legal gray area, some jurisdictions have supported TNR initiatives. However, the passage of HB 3660 now shields advocates of TNR from prosecution for abandonment. Passionate cat lovers in Texas have long urged municipalities to cease euthanizing cats and instead adopt TNR practices. These pleas gained momentum in late 2022 when members of the City Council, heeding the appeals of Houston-based Friends for Life Animal Shelter, explored the benefits of implementing a TNR program. Proponents argued that focusing efforts on specific areas would effectively reduce the cat population, proving more cost-effective than euthanasia or adoption. TNR programs have gained popularity throughout Texas. Cities like Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas provide resources on their websites, actively encouraging residents to participate in these initiatives, often in collaboration with local shelters. Organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have lent their support. The Remarkable Impact of TNR Advocates TNR passionately champion its effectiveness in saving cats’ lives while simultaneously addressing community concerns. TNR programs not only enhance the well-being of cats by stopping the breeding cycle but also promote a more harmonious coexistence between outdoor cats and humans in our shared environment. This remarkable impact is precisely why an increasing number of cities are wholeheartedly embracing TNR initiatives. Scientific studies and the experiences of communities with established TNR programs provide compelling evidence that TNR significantly reduces and stabilizes populations of community cats. Organizations like Alley Cat Allies, formed in 1990, have been instrumental in introducing TNR to the United States, sparking a national movement through educational materials, regional workshops, advocacy mobilization, and the rewriting of laws. As a result of their unwavering dedication, TNR has become a mainstream approach to feline population management. Nevertheless, staunch opposition remains. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department generally reject the tactic, aligning themselves with the concerns of bird advocates. Detractors argue that releasing cats into the environment poses risks of disease transmission, subjects the animals to stress and injury, and fails to curb cat populations unless a substantial majority undergoes neutering effectively. A Landmark Decision Despite the controversy, HB 3660 passed through the House with only a handful of dissenting votes, while the Senate unanimously supported the bill. This historic
The Cats of Disneyland: Guardians of the Magic Kingdom
Since the early days of Disneyland, mysterious feline residents have been quietly roaming the park grounds, creating a fascinating tale that adds to the magic and allure of the Happiest Place on Earth. Although it is challenging to trace their exact origins, sightings of cats on Disneyland property date back to the park’s opening in 1955. These feline inhabitants have a unique role, maintaining a delicate balance between pest control and their autonomous existence. The story began when Walt Disney envisioned an attraction within Sleeping Beauty Castle, Disneyland’s iconic centerpiece. As Imagineers ventured into the castle to plan the Castle Walkthrough attraction, they were surprised to find a sizable community of feral cats within its walls. However, along with these feline settlers came an infestation of fleas, prompting the Disney company to seek a solution. Recognizing the potential uproar from guests if the cats were removed outright, Disney decided to adopt the cats to cast members, ensuring they found good homes while reclaiming valuable space within the castle. The flea problem was promptly addressed as well. Simultaneously, Disneyland faced a rodent issue, which seemed ironic given the park’s association with a particular famous mouse. While the irony was not lost on anyone in the company, the reality was that mice—of the non-anthropomorphic variety—were a problem. Not all the cats had settled in the castle, and those remaining on the property saw an opportunity. Disneyland provided a fruitful hunting ground free from the usual dangers that stray cats encounter. The cats emerged at night when the park was relatively empty, allowing them to hunt undisturbed. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @catsofdisneyland Recognizing the cats’ instinctual prowess and lack of disturbance to park operations, someone in the Disney company proposed a brilliant idea: put the cats to work. More accurately, allow them to continue their invaluable pest control duties with Disney’s endorsement. Thus, a symbiotic relationship was established between the company and the Disneyland Cats, which persists in much the same fashion today. Feeding stations are strategically placed around the property to supplement the cats’ hunting efforts. The cats are trapped, spayed, or neutered and then released back onto the grounds to maintain a manageable population. Cast members at Circle D Ranch, responsible for caring for the park’s animals, including Main Street trolley horses and goats at Big Thunder Ranch, assumed the responsibility of managing the feline residents. They ensure the cats receive necessary medical treatment, replenish their food supplies, and oversee Disney’s unique cat crew. The Disneyland Cats live a somewhat ordinary life, akin to many other feral cats. They mostly remain hidden during the day, emerging under darkness. Occasionally, guests may catch glimpses of these elusive feline residents as they slumber in the parks or stealthily traverse the property. However, Disney advises against approaching the cats too closely. Apart from the general caution of approaching unfamiliar animals, these cats
Cat Life Expectancy
The average life span of a cat is a topic that has been extensively studied, but the numbers can vary significantly due to various factors. Different breeds have different life expectancies, and indoor cats generally live much longer than their outdoor counterparts (outdoor cats live a much shorter average of 2-5 years — frightening!). Moreover, with the increasing focus on pet care and well-being, the life span of domesticated cats has been on the rise in recent decades compared to the past. In the 1980s, the average life span of a cat was around 7 years; by 1995, it had increased to 9.4 years. Fortunately for us, as of 2021, it had risen again to approximately 15 years! In human years, a 15-year-old cat is believed to be equivalent to 75-80 cat years, while a 20-year-old cat is roughly 100 cat years old. However, it’s worth noting that the age of the oldest recorded cat in history was an impressive 38 years. Creme Puff, a female cat from Austin, Texas, held this record, born in 1967 and passing away on August 6, 2005, at 38 years and 3 days old. Determining the Age of a Cat Estimating a cat’s age can be challenging, but several methods can provide some clues. However, it’s important to note that these methods are not foolproof and may not yield precise results, especially for individuals with limited experience assessing feline age. Veterinary Examination One of the most reliable ways to determine a cat’s age is to take them to a veterinarian. A vet can perform a thorough examination, which may involve checking dental health, assessing their physical condition, and conducting other assessments to estimate the cat’s age. They can also provide additional information, such as whether the cat is microchipped or has urgent medical needs. Physical Appearance A cat’s appearance can offer some insights into their age, although it’s not an exact science. Older cats typically have rougher, coarser fur compared to younger cats. They may also exhibit less muscle tone, making their bone structure more noticeable, particularly in non-overweight individuals. Female cats that have had kittens may show signs of sagging skin. Dental Health Similar to humans, a cat’s teeth can reveal their age. Older cats often have more stained and worn teeth, which may appear yellowish or dirty. Dental conditions such as tartar buildup and tooth damage can also indicate that a cat is older. Eye Changes As cats age, their eyesight may deteriorate, resulting in cloudy or other noticeable eye changes. While this method can provide some indication of age, it’s important to remember that not all cats experience significant eye changes as they grow older. While these methods can offer insight into a cat’s age, accurately determining their age can still be challenging, especially for stray or unknown cats. In addition, factors such as overall health, living conditions, and genetic factors can also influence a cat’s appearance and behavior. Understanding the life span of cats and determining their age can be
Cat Affectionate All of a Sudden? Here are Possible Reasons Why
If your cat suddenly acts affectionate, you probably wonder what’s happening. Unfortunately, cats don’t commonly change their behavior unless it’s experiencing specific changes in its life. We’ll unpack the possible causes of sudden kitty affection and how to deal with this behavioral change. Your Cat Might Suffer from Stress or Anxiety Another thing that’s common for cats is they can experience stress and anxiety, leading them to lean on you for reassurance. Cats have strong senses and can get scared by an array of things; fireworks, loud cars, too many people, or simply an unknown guest could all trigger your cat to feel anxious and become overly attached to you. What to do about it If your cat is suddenly attached to you because it feels stressed, anxious, or scared, you should try to comfort her in any way you can. After all, it would help if you remembered that your cat is not being clingy on purpose and that she needs reassurance and a safe place to relax. Your cat should return to her usual behavior after the stress disappears. Your Cat Is Unwell or Sick If your cat suddenly becomes needy and craves more attention than usual, it could signify your feline feeling sick or unwell. Of course, this doesn’t happen to all cats, as most prefer to hide that they’re sick, but it’s still possible. Sickness commonly includes other symptoms besides the extra affection, so ensure you observe your cat and how she acts. What to do about it When you feel like your cat is more affectionate towards you and you’ve already ruled out other possible reasons, take your cat to the vet. You can check your cat’s health and provide medication if needed. Your Cat Is Experiencing Hormonal Changes If you have a female cat, she could show sudden signs of affection when experiencing hormonal changes. The hormonal changes occur in non-neutered cats, who can experience these behavioral differences when pregnant or in heat. Both could lead to excessive clinginess and more affection than usual. If your cat is in heat, you’ll also notice other signs, including: • Excessive meowing • Rubbing against things • Trying to go outside If pregnant, your cat will gradually start to show more and more affection as the pregnancy develops. You can also notice other signs of pregnancy similar to humans, such as vomiting and increased appetite. What to do about it If your cat is more affectionate than normal due to hormonal changes, it’s good to determine if it is pregnant or just in heat. When your cat is in heat and comes in contact with a male cat, she will likely become pregnant. Therefore, spaying is recommended if you are not planning to breed your female cat. Although this might seem harsh to some, it’s better to spay your cat than to bring unexpected kittens into the world. If your cat is pregnant, we suggest taking her to the vet to ensure everything is okay with the
National Hug Your Cat Day: Understanding Cats and Hugging
In celebration of National Hug Your Cat Day, it’s important to delve into whether or not hugging your cat is genuinely a gesture they appreciate. While some cats may seem content with being hugged, others may react negatively, making understanding their preferences and boundaries crucial. So, should you hug your cat? Let’s explore this further. Do Cats Like Hugs? The truth is, many cats are not fond of being hugged. They value their independence and dislike feeling restrained, especially regarding firm or tight hugs. If you’ve witnessed a cat being hugged, you’ve likely seen signs of discomfort, such as squirming, meowing, panting, and sometimes scratching or biting. It’s important to remember that most cats view hugging as human-induced torture rather than an enjoyable experience. However, there are exceptions, as some cats seem to enjoy or tolerate hugs. The key lies in understanding the factors that contribute to their preferences. Early Introduction to Hugging Kittens regularly exposed to hugging from a young age may grow accustomed to it and develop a higher tolerance for physical contact. If you have a kitten and introduce gentle hugging in their early stages, they may become more receptive to it. However, monitoring their comfort levels is essential, and never force physical contact if they show signs of distress. Temperament and Breed Differences Certain cat breeds, such as Ragdolls, Scottish Folds, and Sphynxes, are known for their more laid-back and easygoing personalities. These breeds generally exhibit a higher likelihood of enjoying human contact and handling. However, it’s important to remember that individual cats within these breeds may still have unique preferences. Adopting a cat from a shelter, regardless of the breed, and building a strong bond through regular interaction can also lead to affectionate behavior. Approach and Body Language The way you approach your cat can significantly influence their response to hugging. Sudden, intrusive movements may startle or intimidate them, leading to a bad reaction. Instead, gradually approach with gentle face scratches or body rubs, allowing your cat to become more comfortable with physical contact over time. Pay attention to their body language; if they exhibit signs of discomfort or resistance, respecting their boundaries and avoiding hugging is crucial. Understanding Your Cat’s Preferences Cats have subtle ways of expressing their likes and dislikes, and it’s important to observe their body language to gauge their comfort level. For example, cats that enjoy hugging may lean into contact, purr, headbutt, and even drool as signs of contentment. On the other hand, cats that dislike hugs may display behaviors such as attempting to escape, pushing you away, laying their ears back, swishing their tail, growling, or even freezing with dilated eyes and a stressed expression. It’s crucial to be attentive to these signals and immediately release your cat if they show discomfort or resistance. Alternative Ways to Show Affection While hugging may not be the ideal way to express affection for every cat, there are numerous alternative ways to bond with and show love to your feline companion. Gentle
The Courageous Tale of the Ship Cat Simon
Aboard the esteemed Royal Navy sloop-of-war, HMS Amethyst, a remarkable feline named Simon, etched his name into the annals of history. Simon, a ship’s cat, embarked on a journey that would test his resilience, showcase his bravery, and touch the hearts of all who crossed his path. Born in the bustling dockyards of Hong Kong in 1947, Simon’s early days were marked by hardship. Then, in March 1948, that fate intervened, as a compassionate 17-year-old Ordinary seaman named George Hickinbottom stumbled upon the undernourished and ailing cat. Recognizing the cat’s desperate need for care, Hickinbottom smuggled him aboard the HMS Amethyst, forever altering the course of their destinies. A Charismatic Mascot: Simon’s Rise to Prominence Quickly endearing himself to the crew and officers, Simon showcased his exceptional rat-catching skills and mischievous charm. His reputation as a cheeky feline grew as he left grisly gifts of dead rats in sailors’ beds and even took up residence in the captain’s cap. As a result, the crew began to view Simon as their lucky mascot, a source of joy and morale in their naval journey. As the torch of command was passed from one captain to another, Simon’s presence remained constant, becoming a steadfast companion to Lieutenant Commander Bernard Skinner. Little did they know that their next mission up the Yangtze River would take a turn. The Amethyst Incident unfolded when Chinese PLA artillery opened fire on the frigate, tearing through the captain’s cabin and gravely injuring both Skinner and Simon. In a testament to his resilience, Simon crawled onto the deck and was rushed to the ship’s medical bay; the brave feline underwent treatment for his burns and had four pieces of shrapnel carefully removed. Against all odds, Simon defied the bleak prognosis and made a remarkable recovery. With the ship anchored in the river, rats had overrun the vessel. Here, Simon’s true valor shone as he took on the task of eliminating the infestation and boosting the sailors’ morale. Simon became an icon of resilience and determination, inspiring all who witnessed his unwavering spirit. From Hero to Legend News of Simon’s heroic acts spread like wildfire, capturing the attention and admiration of the world. In recognition of his extraordinary service, Simon was awarded the prestigious Dickin Medal by the PDSA, becoming the only cat to receive this distinguished honor. His courage was further acknowledged with the Blue Cross Medal, the Amethyst campaign medal, and the fanciful rank of ‘Able Seacat.’ Even letters poured in from adoring fans, necessitating the appointment of a dedicated “cat officer” to handle Simon’s correspondence. Every port that welcomed the HMS Amethyst became a stage for Simon’s hero’s welcome. From the public’s adoration to official ceremonies, Simon’s presence elevated the spirits of all who encountered him. Finally returning to Plymouth in November, the ship and its beloved feline were greeted with a special celebration. A Final Farewell: Mourning the Loss of an Icon However, Simon’s journey took an unexpected turn when he faced the quarantine regulations upon
The Unlikely Hero: How a Stray Cat Rescued a Railway Station from Bankruptcy
Our heartwarming story began in the picturesque town of Kinokawa, nestled within the beautiful Wakayama Prefecture of Japan. This story revolved around a calico cat named Tama, who would ultimately become a beloved and legendary figure in the world of railways. Tama’s tale began in Kinokawa, where she was born and raised among a group of stray cats that had found solace near Kishi Station. Passengers and the informal station manager Toshiko Koyama often fed these furry friends, creating a bond between humans and felines. A Station in Crisis In 2004, the fate of Kishi Station hung in the balance due to financial troubles on the rail line. Just when closure seemed imminent, Koyama made a life-changing decision. She adopted Tama, seeing potential in the adorable cat. The citizens of the town passionately rallied to keep the station open, and their efforts proved successful. In April 2006, the newly-formed Wakayama Electric Railway decided to destaff all stations on the Kishigawa Line to reduce costs. As part of this change, the stray cats were evicted from their shelter to make way for new roads. Koyama, refusing to abandon her beloved Tama, pleaded with Mitsunobu Kojima, the president of Wakayama Electric Railway, to allow the cats to live inside Kishi Station. Recognizing Tama’s potential as a maneki-neko (beckoning cat), Kojima granted Koyama’s request. And so, on January 5, 2007, Tama officially received the title of the station master. Her primary duty was to greet passengers and bring smiles to their faces. In recognition of her invaluable service, Tama was given a year’s worth of cat food and a prestigious gold name tag for her collar, proudly displaying her name and position. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tom&co Athus – Pet Store (@tomandcoathus) Rise to Stardom Tama’s appointment as station master catapulted Kishi Station into the limelight. The publicity surrounding her newfound role resulted in a remarkable 17% increase in passengers during her first month compared to January 2006. Furthermore, ridership statistics for March 2007 showed a 10% increase over the previous year. Tama became an emblematic figure, symbolizing a phenomenon known as “Nekonomics” or “cat economy,” showcasing the positive economic impact of having a feline mascot. A study estimated that Tama contributed a staggering 1.1 billion yen to the local economy. Tama’s remarkable journey continued in October 2008 when she was knighted and awarded the prestigious title of “Wakayama de Knight” by the prefectural governor. This distinction served as a testament to her exceptional work in promoting local tourism and bringing joy to the community. 2009 marked another milestone for Tama as the Wakayama Electric Railway introduced a new “Tama train” to honor her third year as stationmaster. The train was beautifully customized with charming cartoon depictions of Tama, capturing her essence and spreading her contagious enthusiasm throughout the railway. Tama’s unwavering dedication and contribution to expanding the customer base led to another promotion in January 2010. She was bestowed with the esteemed title of “Operating
Do Cats Suffer From Separation Anxiety?
Cats are known for their independent nature but also form strong bonds with their owners. When these bonds are disrupted, such as when a cat is left alone for extended periods of time, she may experience separation anxiety. In this article, we’ll explore whether or not cats can suffer from separation anxiety and how to help them cope with this condition. What is Separation Anxiety? First, let’s define separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a condition that occurs when an animal becomes distressed and anxious when separated from their owner or caregiver. Dogs are the most commonly associated animals with separation anxiety, but cats can also experience this condition. Cats that suffer from separation anxiety may become stressed, destructive, or vocal when left alone. So do They? So, do cats really suffer from separation anxiety? The answer is yes. While cats are typically more independent than dogs and may not show their distress similarly, they can still experience anxiety when left alone for extended periods. This is especially true for cats that are very attached to their owners or those that have been through a traumatic experience, such as being abandoned or losing a littermate. Some signs that a cat may be suffering from separation anxiety include excessive vocalization, destructive behavior, over-grooming, and inappropriate elimination. Cats with separation anxiety may also become more clingy when their owner is around, following them from room to room and seeking constant attention. So, how can you help your cat cope with separation anxiety? Here are some tips: Provide plenty of toys and entertainment: Cats left alone for extended periods may become bored and anxious. To prevent this, provide your cat with plenty of toys and entertainment, such as puzzle feeders, cat trees, and scratching posts. These can help keep them mentally stimulated and engaged while you’re away. Create a safe space: Cats that are anxious may benefit from having a designated safe space where they can retreat to when feeling stressed. This can be a cozy bed or crate in a quiet room away from any loud noises or distractions. Use pheromone sprays: Pheromone sprays, such as Feliway, can help reduce anxiety in cats. These sprays mimic the pheromones that cats produce naturally to mark their territory and feel more secure. Simply spray the product in your cat’s safe space or on their bed to help them feel more relaxed. Gradually acclimate your cat to being alone: If your cat is experiencing separation anxiety, it’s important to gradually acclimate them to being alone. Start by leaving them alone for short periods of time, gradually increasing the amount of time they spend alone over several weeks. This can help them adjust to being alone and feel more comfortable. Seek veterinary advice: If your cat’s separation anxiety is severe or is causing them distress, it’s important to seek veterinary advice. Your vet may recommend anti-anxiety medication or behavioral therapy to help your cat cope. Cats can indeed suffer from separation anxiety. While they may not show
Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds
If you share your home with a cat, you already know that cats often catch us by surprise with their kitty cleverness. While we can all agree most cats can be smart cookies (with the exception of the orange cats, let’s be honest), these ten breeds shine as the best of the best when it comes to smarts. Siamese One of the world’s most popular and recognizable cat breeds, the Siamese is known for its beautiful coat, curious nature, and chatty tendency. These cats are intelligent, affectionate, and energetic. They love to play and crave attention and company. Keep this kitty’s brain busy with puzzles and teaser toys. If you can, get her a big cat tree for climbing; this kitty would appreciate it! If bored, a Siamese will entertain itself by turning on faucets, opening cabinets, or rummaging where she shouldn’t. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 😻 Siamese Cat (@siamesecatlovers_) Bengal The Bengal is perhaps best known for its exotic coat that resembles a jaguar or leopard. This breed originated from crossing a domestic cat with an Asian leopard cat. Bengals are highly intelligent, athletic, and still a bit wild. They love to run, jump, climb, and play. They require ample exercise space (especially vertical) and mental challenges like puzzle games and toys. Its nimble paws are almost as good as its hands; some can turn light switches on and off, pluck out pet fish from aquariums, and pull out small items from drawers. You should have easy success if you ever decide to clicker-train your Bengal! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Albert & Mia, the Adventure Bengal Cat (@outdoorbengal) Korat The Korat, named for a province in Thailand, is another rare breed, considered good luck in its homeland. They’re brilliant and attentive to the world around them. Korats are moderately energetic and enjoy interactive games but love their naps. This breed can learn tricks, like playing fetch and walking on a leash. You can easily teach this cat the household rules if you reward it with praise or treats. This kitty loves its toys and is sometimes too stubborn to share with others. They thrive on attention and are typically affectionate with their families. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Annie (@anniethekoratcat) Abyssinian This sleek-looking cat is athletic, agile, and affectionate toward humans. Abyssinians are very intelligent and highly in tune with the activities of their families. This breed enjoys heights, perching above the room, and surveilling everything. Of all the cat types, this one learns tricks quickly and will enjoy running a feline agility course. Generally, they’re not lap cats but love getting petted or brushed. They also tend to enjoy the company of other animals and adapt well to most living arrangements. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Thea (@thea_abycat) Singapura As its name implies, the Singapura originated on the streets of Singapore. The
10 Things Cats Hate About You
Cats are known for being independent and self-sufficient animals, but they also have their own preferences and dislikes. As a cat owner, it’s important to understand what your feline friend may dislike to provide them with a comfortable and happy living environment. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 things that cats hate. Loud noises: Cats have a highly developed sense of hearing and are sensitive to loud noises, which can be very stressful for them. Fireworks, thunderstorms, and loud music are all examples of things that can make cats feel anxious or scared. To help your cat cope with loud noises, create a safe space for them to retreat to, such as a quiet room with their bed and toys. You can also play calming music or use pheromone sprays to help reduce their anxiety. Rough handling: While many cats enjoy being petted and cuddled, it’s important to be gentle and respect their boundaries. Rough handling, such as pulling their tail or squeezing them too tightly, can be painful and frightening for cats. Pay attention to your cat’s body language and watch for signs that they may be uncomfortable, such as hissing or swatting. Be sure to give them plenty of positive reinforcement and rewards when they respond well to your affection. Strong smells: Cats have a keen sense of smell and can be bothered by strong odors, such as cigarette smoke, perfume, or cleaning products. These smells can be overwhelming for cats and may cause them to avoid certain areas of the house. To make your cat more comfortable, use unscented cleaning products and avoid using strong perfumes or colognes around them. Dirty litter boxes: Cats are known for being fastidious animals, and they prefer a clean litter box. Dirty litter boxes can be a source of stress and discomfort for cats, and can even lead to litter box aversion. Be sure to scoop your cat’s litter box daily and change the litter frequently to keep it fresh and clean. You can also experiment with different types of litter to see which one your cat prefers. Being sprayed with water: Some people use water as a disciplinary tool for cats, but this can be stressful for them and damage the trust they have in their owner. Spraying cats with water can be a form of punishment that they do not understand, causing them to become fearful or anxious. Instead of using water to discipline your cat, try positive reinforcement training techniques to encourage good behavior. Sudden movements: Cats are hunters by nature, and sudden movements can trigger their predatory instincts. This can cause them to become scared or anxious. Try to move slowly and calmly around your cat to avoid startling them. If you need to move quickly, be sure to make noise or announce your presence so that your cat knows you’re there. Being picked up: While some cats enjoy being held and cuddled, others do not like to be picked up. It’s important to respect
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