Meet the Sparkle Cats: Polar Bear

Sparkle Kitty

Meet Polar Bear, the loyalist cat you’d ever meet. He’s 19 pounds of pure ferocious feline animal muscle. He may look like he can take on any big dog that comes along, but you would be surprised to learn his nature is calm, cool, and collected. Of course, he can be a scaredy-cat when the lawn crew comes through. This guy likes to keep on to a schedule. Breakfast at 6 am and dinner at 5 pm. Any deviation, and he will be sure to let you know by waking you up if you are sleeping or interrupting whatever it is you are doing. What he really wants, though, is to carried around the house like the king he is.


His dad adopted Polar Bear through the same place he volunteers in Chandler, Arizona! With so many feline friends going without homes, please consider adoption before taking out your wallet for a designer breed. If you’re around Chandler, pop in on the weekends to say hi to Polar Bear’s dad at Saving One Life Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.

Sparkle Kitty