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Featured Articles

Greebles and Cats: The Origin and the Meaning
You may have seen an internet sensation concerning cats labeled “greebles.” Feel out of the loop? We’re here to help you. In 2019, Reddit user /user/literallyatree commented on a Reddit post about a cat that looks like it’s trying to slap a ghost. This user commented: “My family calls things…

Polydactyl Cats: Just More Beans to Love
Polydactyl cats have become extremely popular in recent times. As a result, more and more people are interested in learning more about this six-toed cat and want to get one of their own. If you are a cat lover intrigued by polydactyl cats, you have come to the right place….

Why Do Cats Roll Over Into Their Backs But Not Let You Touch Their Bellies?
It’s common knowledge dogs love to have their tummies rubbed when they freely lay down before you and roll onto their backs. But, if you’re also familiar with cats, you know that when they roll onto their backs with their bellies exposed, rubbing the belly will most likely result in…

The Odd-Eyed Cat (AKA Heterochromia)
Cats are already beautiful and fascinating creatures, but people are bound to take notice when they have something as captivating as two different colored eyes. Odd-eyed cats always have one blue eye paired with either a green, yellow, or brown eye. This form of heterochromia occurs in other animals, including…