5 Cat Books to Read

Cat books can be educational, uplifting, entertaining, or a nice mix of all three. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the world of cat lovers, have loved cats for a long time, or just looking for an enjoyable read; you are sure to find a cat book for you.
There are endless books available to help people like you and me, cat enthusiasts, understand why our furry felines do the things they do and how to better care for them. There are just as many funny books about cats, and some are even written by cats. That’s right; cats out there are so clever they have written and published books. You will also find a fair share of books full of inspirational stories that leave you feeling uplifted and like this world is so much better, thanks to the cats who make it that way.
We have gathered five fantastic books that cat lovers should add to their reading list. These books range from funny, inspiring, and guides on cats and how to care for them.
5 Cat books to read
A true story that is sure to warm your heart and leave you feeling better about the world: Bob is an orange tomcat that James Bowen, the author of the book, found.
James found Bob injured, and even though James was in no position to take on the responsibility of a cat, he couldn’t just leave him to suffer. James nursed Bob back to health and sent him on his merry way. However, life had different plans, and Bob claimed his human. The two became attached at the hip.
The book follows this duo through adversity and a magnificent healing journey for the author and his furry friend.
You will laugh, cry and cheer this duo on throughout their journey. This book is uplifting, inspiring, and just what the world needs now.
James has written a whole series about his beloved Bob. Each book is just as good as the last. Some other titles by James Bowen are:
- The world, according to Bob
- A Christmas gift from Bob
- The little book of Bob: Everyday wisdom from street cat Bob
- Bob is no ordinary cat
- For the love of Bob
Being an avid reader and a cat lover is a wonderful way to live your life. These five books are a great read and are must-haves for any home library.

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