All You Need to Know About the Beautiful Calico Cat

Regardless of their fur pattern or coloring, all cats are unique in their way. So you might wonder why some cats, like calico cats, are more eye-catching than others. We’re here to help you learn more about calico cats, whether you’re looking to adopt one or want some fun facts to impress your friends.
The coat pattern of calico cats is distinctive.
A calico cat can be any domestic cat breed with a tri-color coat, usually black, orange, and white. The white coloring can make up 25-75% of their fur. There are also variations in calico cat coats, such as cream, blue-black, brown, and reddish-orange.
Since torties have black and orange in their coats, they are often mistaken for calico cats. This is because tortoiseshell cats have a black-based coat, while calico cats have a white-based coat.
There is a possibility that calico cats came from Egypt.
Cats with calico patterns have been around for a long time. The origin of calico cats is unknown, but one study traced them along shipping trade routes in Europe and Northern Africa. The orange mutant gene found in calicos likely originated in Egypt and was traced to port cities along the Mediterranean Sea in France, Greece, Italy, and Spain. In order to prevent mice and rats from infesting their vessels, Egyptian merchants took calico cats aboard their ships. With the ships sailing from port to port, the cats spread their genetics and unique fur and coat patterns worldwide.
Almost all calico cats are female.
In general, calico cats are almost always female since a cat’s coat color is genetic. The X chromosome is associated with black and orange fur, and female cats have two X chromosomes to have both colors simultaneously. Male cats usually have only one X chromosome, so they are either black or orange, but not both. Male calico cats are very rare and can only occur if the cat has a genetic abnormality with XXY genes.
Maryland’s official state cat is the calico cat.
Maryland adopted the calico cat as its official cat in 2001. Why? Its orange, black, and white fur colors are similar to those of the Maryland state bird, the Baltimore oriole, and the Maryland state insect, the Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly.
Only three states in the U.S. have official cat representatives as their official state mammal: Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Maine’s official cat is the Maine Coon, and tabby cats are the state cat of Massachusetts.
Many cultures consider calico cats to be good luck charms.
Calico cats serve as good luck charms in many cultures. They are sometimes called “money cats” in the United States because they are believed to bring good fortune to their owners. (This may be an offshoot of “the lucky cat.”) It’s also said that Japanese fishermen brought calico cats onto their ships to protect them from harsh storms (and ghosts). According to Irish folklore, rubbing the tail of a calico cat on the affected area can cure warts.
A Calico Cat’s Personality, Temperament, and Traits
Studies have been conducted on the behavior and personality of specific cat breeds. Calico cats can come in many different breeds, so their personalities will vary.
The Cat Breeds Encyclopedia attributed several unique characteristics to the calico’s personality; they are said to have sweet, endearing personalities. Calico cats are also considered to be warm-hearted, affectionate, and intelligent. In addition, calico breeds are generally friendly to children and other pets.
Calico personalities are also considered quirky, sassy, and loving; they enjoy active play and purring in their owners’ laps. Calico cats have even been credited with brave acts, such as saving their human and animal families or a litter of kittens from a burning building.

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