Why Do Cats Roll Over Into Their Backs But Not Let You Touch Their Bellies?
It’s common knowledge dogs love to have their tummies rubbed when they freely lay down before you and roll onto their backs. But, if you’re also familiar with cats, you know that when they roll onto their backs with their bellies exposed, rubbing the belly will most likely result in bleeding. So why do they do this? advertisement An expression of trust Cat behaviorists will likely answer that it’s a sign of trust when cats roll over and expose their bellies. That is true, indeed. But is it also a request to rub their bellies? The fact that your cat
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Ways To Help Your Cat Lose Weight
Overweight cats make up more than half of all pet cats. And, while it’s easy to dismiss a few extra ounces as just extra-fluffy fur, excess fat has serious consequences. Whether it’s the risk of a shorter lifespan, an increased risk of health problems, or simply mobility issues, even a few extra pounds can significantly impact your cat’s health. advertisement Why Do a Few Pounds Matter? When your veterinarian says your cat could lose two pounds or so, it’s easy to dismiss the importance of weight loss. After all, two pounds make little difference to humans. But, with the average cat weighing 10 pounds, two pounds is a substantial issue! Consider the average 160-pound person versus the average 10-pound cat. Two pounds on that cat is the same as 32 pounds on that 160-pound human. And if the average cat had an excess of three pounds, that equates to nearly 50 pounds of excess weight on a human frame. Choosing How Much Weight to Lose Humans frequently refer to weight loss in terms of pounds because we often use weight-based guidelines to determine our ideal body type. However, BMI charts and other procedures that work for most humans do not work for cats. We recommend using body condition scoring to determine the best body type for a cat. Body condition scoring for cats is on a scale of 1-5 or 1-9. If your cat scores above the ideal range, a scale can help track monthly weight loss goals, but you should still use the visual check as you approach your cat’s goal. Cats with a healthy weight are generally happier, more agile, and live longer. So if you work with her, your fat cat can become a small, lean, ribbon-chasing machine this year. Here are our top suggestions for this year to help your cat reduce weight. Vet Visits & Food Intake The optimal initial step is to discuss your pet’s health with the veterinarian. They will be able to aid you in identifying the beginning point for your cat as well as any health issues that may hinder the development process. Look into diet food: There are “diet” cat food varieties; you read that right! If you decide to switch, you should do so gradually over about two weeks so that your cat does not go on a hunger strike. The new foods typically have fewer calories and more nutrients than the old ones. Keep track of your caloric intake: Did you know that the average indoor cat only needs 20-30 calories per pound of body weight per day? Examine your cat’s current diet’s nutritional value to see how it compares to others, and start measuring the food at each meal. L-Carnitine should be added: Several studies have shown that L-Carnitine supplements boost cats’ metabolism by interacting with fatty acids in their liver to help convert fat cells into energy. Consult your veterinarian to determine whether L-Carnitine (or other supplements) is appropriate for your cat. Canned products: Is it
Why Do Cats Hate Water?
Cats have a complicated relationship with water. Some cats enjoy swimming, while others avoid it like the plague because they are afraid of getting wet or drowning if Lake Michigan is ever flooded! However, you feel about your feline friend’s aquatic tendencies. Whether fascinated by bath time activities like dipping their paw in the tub or eagerly awaiting baths each week without fail- it turns out there might be more going on than we thought. Cats are well-known for their love of water but may not be as amphibious. The first is evolution; while wild cats in warm climates might go for an occasional refreshing dip to cool off (most domestic ones come from felines that lived near or on dry land), most domesticated cat’s ancestors were descended by Arabian lineage–their forebears had never needed learn how to swim because there was no advantage gained by doing so at any point during human history until now! It turns out cats are still a little wilder than we thought. Despite thousands of years living alongside us, they retain their instincts. They can be considered semi-domestic because when wetted down from fighting or fleeing an attacker, in case there is one around, you will find the importing through your home at any given time! How these furry felines move changes drastically; not only does agility suffer, but so does weight distribution leadingly, making it easier prey for bigger predators. advertisement Bad experiences Sometimes cats do not like water because they have had bad experiences. For example, if a cat were only ever forced into the rain or traipsed through its owner’s pool on accident, which could make them not want to go near anybody of standing liquid at all! Cats are creatures of habit, and they typically don’t enjoy surprises, so if your cat doesn’t seem too keen on trying out water in general, it might just be that this is something new to them if you have cats who love taking baths already or those whose attitudes towards getting wet changed after some time spent with practice sessions at home, great! But for others? It is best not to force the issue; instead, let felines explore what H2O has available without any pressure whatsoever (including playtime!). This way, both parties get comfortable faster while avoiding injury from improper handling. What is more unpleasant than wetting yourself? Getting your fur all messy and smelling like an animal shelter. That is if you have sensitive skin or are allergic to chemicals in tap water! There’re so many reasons why cats avoid bath time; they spend nearly half their lives grooming themselves (for a good reason), which means even spending five minutes under these circumstances isn’t going make them happy—plus, there are standardized scent glands on feline bodies that produce pheromone compounds used for marking purposes when we use scented products such as shampoo and conditioner. Why do cats splash in their water bowls and watch so intently at bathwater? It turns out they
Dry Food Versus Wet Food, What’s Better?
Should I use wet cat food? When you walk into the supermarket or pet store, you are bombarded with different types of cat food: wet, dry, complete, and specific for a breed or age. There is so much choice. But is it better to give your cat wet or dry food? That is a frequently asked question, and there are advantages and disadvantages to wet and dry food. advertisement The Benefits of Wet Food Cats are obligate carnivores (flesh eaters). Wet food is much closer to a cat’s natural diet than kibble. Cats are native to desert areas and respond to a low-water diet by concentrating their urine and not drinking more water. A cat’s natural food (small prey animals) has a water percentage of 60%. The water content of wet food is also 60% or more. Feeding wet food is a convenient way to ensure that cats get more moisture. Wet Food and Its’ Uses Urinary Tract Health (Kidneys and Bladder): Eating a lot of wet food causes the cat to produce more water (less concentrated urine), reducing the risk of bladder problems. Any inflammatory cells are also excreted faster; Energy regulation: Many cats cannot properly regulate their energy intake; when eating dry food, these cats quickly become too fat, with an increased risk of diabetes or cystitis. Feeding wet food can prevent this to a large extent. Lose weight: Water has no calories, so wet food always has fewer calories than dry food. On average, dry food contains 3 – 4 k cal/g, while damp food contains an average of 0.8 – 1.5 k cal/g. Because wet food is also more filling, it can ideally help prevent obesity or lose weight; Constipation (hard stools): Dehydration is often (partly) a cause of constipation in cats. By feeding wet food, the cat receives more water than if it were to eat dry food because it naturally drinks little; Cats are adapted to living in dry surroundings, and in response to eating foods with low moisture content, they produce more concentrated pee rather than drinking more water. It has been argued that giving cats wet food rather than water to drink would be a more appropriate strategy to provide them with water because prey for cats often has a moisture content greater than 60 percent. Dehydrated cats are at an increased risk for developing several ailments, including kidney disease. On the other hand, it is not apparent if consuming dry food results in inadequate hydration or poorer hydration than when consuming wet food. Several research studies have been carried out to examine the effect of feeding dry versus wet diets on the water status of cats, and the findings have been contradictory. Wet foods are beneficial for the following: Wet foods promote more dilute urine, which may result in a lower concentration of inflammatory components in the bladder. This may be beneficial for the prevention of urinary tract problems. The hypothesis is that since wet foods promote more dilute urine, this
The Unique Anatomy of Cats
Cats are one of the most fascinating animals that we have the pleasure of calling a pet, companion, or even best friend. On top of being utterly adorable and cuddly, they are also scientific marvels! Their anatomy, characteristics, and physical attributes are what make them some of the most unique creatures! advertisement Skeletal Structure Cats are indeed very flexible due to their highly unique skeletal structure. The cat’s skeletal design is remarkably like ours, although there are two significant differences. First, a cat’s spine or backbone contains more bones than ours, mainly because of the tail. Their vertebrae are not as tightly connected as ours. Their vertebrae have a special, flexible, elastic cushioning on the disks which makes their spine rotate more than the spines of most other animals. Cats also have no actual collarbone, which allows them to squeeze through the tightest of places and the ability to respond very quickly when falling. The ‘collarbones’ they have are buried in their shoulder muscles. Due to their uniquely built skeletal structure, flexibility is one of the most well-known characteristics a cat has. Speaking of bones, cats have an astounding 230 bones while humans only have 206. An example of this is, cats are supposed to have 18 toes – five toes on each front paw; four toes on each back paw. The front inner toes being responsible for grasping. There are cats who have more than 18 toes. These extra-digit felines are referred to as being polydactyl. Skills & Characteristics There are many unique attributes that cats have and often show off. For example, when eating meat, if the meat is on a bone cats’ rough tongues can lick a bone clean of any shred of meat. They are also near-sighted but in comparison to humans, their peripheral vision and night vision is significantly better. As previously mentioned, cats’ paws are already unique since they have 18 toes, but have you noticed that cats make very little noise when they walk around? This is due to the thick, soft pads on their paws that allow them to sneak up on their prey — or you! They also move both of their right feet first, then move both of their left feet. No other animals walk this way besides camels and giraffes. advertisement Physicality There are a lot of physical abilities that cats possess and frequently display. One of the main ability’s cats are known for is their ability to jump high, get into narrow spaces, and their reflexes. When jumping, cats can jump up to six times their length! Again, as previously mentioned cats have no collarbones, so this is what allows them to squeeze in narrow spots. Therefore, you may find your cat curled up in a unique position when sleeping. A house cat’s genome is 95.6 percent tiger, and they share many behaviors with these wild animals! These behaviors include scent marking by scratching, prey play, prey stalking, and pouncing. Just like their tiger ancestors, cats are
Why Cats Always Land On Their Feet
Have you ever wondered why cats are so nimble and can always land on their feet? Repeatedly, we have seen cats fall from great heights but always manage to save themselves just in time. Cats are incredibly agile creatures, but even still, it is always surprising to see them land on their feet after jumping from high surfaces. So how is all this possible? There are many factors as to why cats can do this amazing feat and it may just surprise you. The main trait we associate with cats is flexibility or nimbleness. Cats are indeed very flexible due to their highly unique skeletal structure. However, there are three known and main factors that attribute to this special skill; Flexibility, righting reflex, and instinctual behavior. advertisement Flexibility Due to their uniquely built skeletal structure, flexibility is one of the most well-known characteristics a cat has. Their vertebrae have a special, flexible, elastic cushioning on the disks which makes their spine rotate more than the spines of most other animals. This elastic cushioning allows for them to rotate their body 180 degrees left or right while humans can only rotate their torso 90 degrees. To picture this, a cat can make it so that their head and front legs are facing the opposite direction of their hips and back legs. Cats also have no collarbone, which allows them to squeeze through the tightest of places and the ability to respond very quickly when falling. Righting Reflex The righting reflex is one of the biggest factors as to why cats always land on their feet. It is defined as a cat’s innate ability to orient itself as it falls in order to land on its feet. Cats have a unique ability to realign and fix their body while falling. This is due to their inner ears being their compass for balance. This allows them to know when they are right side up while falling. Due to the combination of their flexible spine and no collarbones, they can react very quickly while falling as adjust as needed. It is believed that cats develop this reflex as kittens, and it is fully developed in as little as 7 weeks. advertisement Instinctual Behavior A cats ability to land on their feet after a fall is an instinctual behavior! This means that when a cat is falling it automatically responds to falling by turning it’s body midair. Cats naturally have this behavior ingrained into them so they aren’t taught this skill over time. As previously stated, It is believed that cats develop this reflex as kittens, and it is fully developed in as little as 7 weeks! There are obviously other factors that make it so cats don’t always land on their feet. This could be due to age, weight, and other overall health factors. Cats are one of the most fascinating animals that we have the pleasure of calling a pet, companion, or even best friend. On top of being utterly adorable and cuddly,
What is the Effect of the Full Moon on My Cat?
Ever wonder if the full moon has anything to do with strange behavior in cats? Have you ever noticed a pattern? advertisement So, does the moon affect cats? It certainly seems to be the case in our experience! During the full moon, we’ve noticed cats who exhibit uncharacteristic, quirky, and rebellious behavior. There are many posts, blogs, and questions from cat owners about strange full moon behavior, all with their own stories to tell and answers to seek. Behavior of cats during full moons According to cat owners and veterinarians, the full moon certainly seems to make cats more mischievous. Cat owners have observed the following behavioral characteristics during the full moon: Their cats seem more likely to hide Symptoms of restlessness Mischievousness and playfulness increase Keeping company with other cats Noisier and more meowing According to various statistics and studies, the full moon period is associated with an increase in veterinary clinic admissions. An unfounded study claimed a 23% increase in cat visits to the vet during a full moon and a 28% increase in dog visits. According to research at the University of Colorado’s College of Veterinary Medicine, cats are 30% more likely to become injured during or near full moons. Maybe because cats spend more time outside at night with the help of the bright moonlight, which poses a higher risk of injury for pets, or due to some unknown effect of the moon is unclear. The moon may influence the circadian rhythms of cats and other animals. Circadian rhythms refer to the physical, mental, and behavioral fluctuations and variations throughout the day. Circadian rhythms can be found in most living things, including heart rate, sleep patterns, hormones, body temperature, and blood pressure. The moon affects Earth’s gravity and nighttime light, which affects cats, dogs, and humans. If my cat exhibits strange behavior during a full moon, what should I do? Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much you can do to curb this strange behavior. Tracking the lunar cycle may help you become aware of these changes and not be surprised. An easy fix is to keep your cat indoors over the full moon. Moon Phases and Cats A full moon is only one phase of the lunar cycle. According to many astrologers, other moon phases may affect your cat, humans, and pets. New Moon Moon phases begin with the new moon. This happens when the Earth and the Sun are on opposite sides of the moon, and the Sun is aligned with the moon. It occurs every 29.5 days, and the moon is only visible when silhouetted during a solar eclipse. A new moon is a time of intention and to tune wholly into nature. During this phase, cats seem to relax naturally. Supermoon Supermoons occur when the moon is closest to Earth. Cats use their instincts during this period to stay away from danger and where they feel safe. Waning Moon A waning moon occurs after a full moon and before a new moon
Do Cats Recognize Their Own Names?
Did you ever wonder if cats knew their names? Unlike dogs, cats don’t typically come when called. However, the fact that your cat doesn’t move an inch when you call their name doesn’t necessarily mean he or she doesn’t know it. Cats do recognize their names, according to a study published in Scientific Reports in 2019 by Atsuko Saito from Sophia University, which shows that cats can recognize the voices of their owners. Cats living in ordinary homes and cats living in cat cafes were observed for the name recognition study. Cafe cats could distinguish their names from general nouns but not those of other cats living in the cafe. On the other hand, house cats could distinguish their names from general nouns and those of other cats in the house. Researchers concluded that cats can distinguish human language content based on phonemic differences. advertisement So Then, Why Does My Cat Ignore Me? Why don’t cats come running when we call them if they recognize their names? It’s just a cat being a cat. We tend to compare cats and dogs, but these two very different species shouldn’t behave similarly. Cats are more independent and aloof than dogs, so they don’t always respond when we call them. It is true that some cats run when their names are called. Congratulations if you have a cat like this! As a result of their extra devotion to their owners, such cats are often described as “dog-like.”. When renaming your cat, be patient. In some instances, a cat may not know her name, such as when she was a kitten given her first name or an adult cat who has been adopted and given a new name. It’s understandable if adopted adult cats aren’t responding immediately to their newest name, especially if they are on their third or fourth. If your cat doesn’t seem to react when you say her name, she may not know it. It’s good news that cats can easily learn new names. Although your cat will probably learn her new name eventually, there are ways to speed up the process. The Best Way to Teach Your Cat Its Name Try not to use your cat’s name too often. Repeating your cat’s name repeatedly can cause your cat to tune it out like background noise. If you are teaching your cat a new name, use it during training sessions. Her name should become more familiar to your cat after a while. advertisement Pair your cat’s name with a tasty treat to create a positive association. Whether it’s small pieces of plain chicken or a favorite treat (try to keep it small), give your cat something she enjoys. Give your cat a treat as soon as you call its name. Give your cat another treat after saying her name again. Take a break after doing this about 10 times within a few minutes. During training sessions, mix your cat’s name with other words and talk normally, but only reward her with
Why You Shouldn’t Declaw Your Cat
You may consider these arguments against declawing a cat or declawing along with neutering if a veterinarian suggests it. However, before deciding on your pet’s surgery, have all the facts. Declawing is not Nail Trimming Declawing involves amputation of the first joint of the cat’s toes. Whether this procedure is performed with a scalpel, guillotine-type cutter, or laser, it is a major surgery. advertisement Declawing is Painful It is equivalent to 10 toe amputations (if only the front feet are declawed). In the early stages, pain medications may help, but phantom pain may persist as nerve endings heal. In contrast to neutering, declawing can be excruciating for an animal and lead to serious behavior problems. Cats do not benefit from declawing Declawing has no positive effects on the cat, unlike neutering, which is beneficial health-wise and behaviorally. Most owners do it out of convenience. A Cat’s Chief Weapon of Defense is Robbed The typical counter-argument is, “My cat is indoors only.” But, unfortunately, even indoor cats sometimes escape. If a cat is declawed, it cannot stand a chance against a large dog, a larger cat, or a predator. Even though it still has teeth, a declawed cat wouldn’t stand a chance against a predator. Litter Box Problems May Result From Declawing Due to their natural tendency to bury waste with claws, most cats use litter boxes relatively quickly. A declawed cat will likely associate the pain associated with digging in litter or other substances with the litter box. As a result, they may not use the litter box at all. Biting problems can sometimes occur after declawing If cats cannot give a quick warning scratch, they often rely on the next line of defense: their teeth. A declawed cat may resort to biting when in danger or feeling scared. Toes and claws provide cats with exercise Observe a cat stretching on a carpet or vertically with a scratching post. Using its claws, it will grab the carpet or sisal, pulling and stretching its muscles. Claws play an essential role in cats’ muscle tone and agility. Declawing could lead to joint problems later on Cats walk on their toes — also known as digitigrade. Your cat will walk differently if the first digit of its toe is removed, and its joints may be affected. Your cat may eventually develop arthritis in its hips and other joints. Your cat’s long-term health can be seriously compromised if you remove its claws. advertisement Declawing Has Humane Alternatives Before making such a drastic and permanent decision, consider your cat’s needs seriously, and there may be more humane alternatives. For example, vinyl nail caps are a healthy and relatively easy alternative. Smooth caps that glue over your cat’s claws come in various colors, including clear, glitter, and glow-in-the-dark. The nail caps are generally well tolerated by cats, but they may take some time to get used to. Each set of caps lasts four to six weeks as your cat’s claws grow.
Depression in Cats: Symptoms and Causes
Many people unfairly believe that cats are aloof and unemotional creatures with no particular attachment to their owners, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, cats and humans have nearly identical parts of the brain that control emotions, implying cats could feel emotions similar to how we feel emotions. So it’s important to be able to identify when your cat is feeling blue and how to help her feel better. advertisement There are many reasons why cats can become sad or depressed. Cats are often dissatisfied for various reasons, including illness, boredom, grief over a lost family member or pet, and injury. Some cat owners shrug off a decrease in play or a cat sleeping more than usual as typical signs of getting older. When in reality, these are common symptoms of feline depression. Keep an eye on your cat if it becomes unusually reserved or quiet. Discover the most common causes of depression in cats, as well as the signs to look for and the best thing you can do. How to tell if your cat is sad or depressed Suppose your cat meows more or less than usual. In most cases, unhappy noises are low-pitched, mournful yowls. A purr does not always indicate happiness, and an unhappy cat might purr to comfort itself. Normally vocal cats may become quiet, while quiet cats may become louder. You can sometimes tell if your cat is unhappy by their body language, which includes her eye, ear, fur, and body positions. You can tell your cat is unhappy by their ears are back, her tail is tucked, her hair stands on end, and other body signs. Your cat may be sad if their behavior changes result in them being scared or aggressive. Loss of interest in the things that used to be a favorite pastime, become reclusive or hide from people. When cats are sad, they may become clingy or demanding, and their fear of strangers may be heightened. Normally, cats sleep more than humans, but sad or depressed cats sleep even more. This can also indicate sadness if a favorite nap spot has moved, especially if the new sleeping spot is hidden or out of the way. Grooming changes or poor grooming can indicate unhappiness or illness. Depressed or unwell cats often stop grooming themselves, leaving their coats looking unkempt. When your cat stops eating or changes its appetite suddenly, it may be unhappy about something. Cats who are sad may snub foods they previously enjoyed and even lose interest in their favorite treats. Spraying or changing bathroom habits: A sad cat may urinate in inappropriate places to feel better. Stress, depression, and sadness are among the top reasons for urinating outside the litter box. It is common for cats to urinate in high-value areas like lookouts, bedrooms, or where the scent of a deceased pet or missing person is. You should also be concerned if your cat soils outside the litter box. A sad or depressed cat
Vikings and Their Love of Cats
Throughout history, cats have played an essential role in many cultures. People have used them for practical purposes, owned them as domestic companions, and sometimes attributed spiritual or mystical attributes to them. What about the Vikings? Cats were used in a variety of ways by the Vikings. When the Vikings traveled, cats killed mice and rats on ships, preserving their food and preventing disease. During Viking raids, they served a similar purpose. In addition, cats were traditionally given as wedding gifts due to their association with the Norse goddess Freya. Cats on Viking ships The Vikings owned pigs, dogs, and birds, among other animals. Cats, however, were especially valued and used both as working animals and household companions. Cats were carried on Viking ships when they sailed around Northern Europe and when they raided. Even as they stormed enemy shores, Norsemen often took cats on their longboats. As a result, cats usually served to control mouse and rat populations on such lengthy and arduous journeys. advertisement Cats as pets When they were home, the Vikings were peaceful and simple farmers who worked hard for a healthy crop. Viking villages were mainly located near rivers, lakes, and streams, which were prevalent in Scandinavia, so rats were a constant problem. Vikings used cats to drive hungry rats from the fields to protect their food supply. Kittens as gifts to brides Many Vikings gave kittens to their brides as a symbol of their new life together. Also, because cats are associated with the Norse goddess Freyja, brides would often receive them for their weddings. Young men always favored women who loved cats at the time. According to some people, couples who love cats were likely to have a happy marriage. According to a Scandinavian legend, Thor, the Norse god, gave Freyja cats as a gift. In another story, Freyja rode a cart pulled by big cats, specifically the Skogkatt, a large and strong Forest cat. Freyja was well known for her love of cats, and she was the goddess of luck, which could determine someone’s future. Vikings believed that their crops would flourish if Freyja passed through their fields. Furthermore, it was believed that Freja’s cats would bless their produce and bring them good luck if they left milk for them. advertisement What Cat breeds did Vikings have? Skogkatt, or “Forest Cat,” was believed to be the cat breed of the Vikings. Southern European shorthaired cats probably came to Norway from other parts of Europe. Cats with particularly thick coats and other adaptations to a cold climate survived due to natural selection imposed by the strange and hostile climatic conditions. They were also much bigger, likely because their food source (rats and mice) was abundant. In the Viking Age, cats held a special place. The cats of this era were adored, loved, and respected. Freyja was associated with cats, as stated above. She was known for her beauty, femininity, and nurturing nature. In the same way as the goddess, cats are beautiful creatures.
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