5 Useful Tips on How to Properly Photograph Your Cat

As pet owners, nothing makes us happier than a frame-worthy photo of our best buddy. One thing all pet owners will agree to, however, is that animals are not the easiest models to work for photoshoots. Cats, in particular, tend to have an attitude and can be pretty stubborn about posing for a portrait.
We prepared top tips shared by pet photographers on how to secure the perfect shot of your kitty:
1. Have patience when taking cat pictures.
Taking pictures of cats is notoriously difficult. You will not be able to take most of the shots you want; cats do not sit still for long periods of time. It is better to accept the randomness and slow pace of the process. Observe the cat patiently and have your camera ready. So, you can simply fire off a few frames when your cat strikes an interesting pose.
2. Pick the right lighting.
If possible, choose soft, natural light. Indoors, a large window is usually the best option. It is best to take pictures on overcast days; the bright sun can cast strange shadows or make the background too bright. On a bright day, you will usually get the best pictures when the sun is low in the sky. If possible, don’t use a flash, as it can cause your cat discomfort as well as cause red-eye.
3. Lie on the ground to get closer to your cat.
Get down on your cat’s level. Try looking them in the eye with the camera. Photo where you are a part of the cat’s world, rather than the other way around, has a greater impact and better displays the animal’s personality.
4. Play with toys and make sounds to attract the cat’s attention.
Photographs pose a challenge to cats, as we all know. They will turn away just as you set up your shot; they will lie down just as you’re about to shoot some action, and they will sniff the lens as soon as you set up your shot. When the right tools are used, cats are not totally unpredictable.
If you crunch a paper bag with one hand while holding the camera with the other, your cat will often look over, and you can grab a few pictures. Consider bringing a toy out for livelier photos. If you shoot with one hand while moving the toy with the other, you’re sure to get shots of your cat looking interested.
5. Use the right composition for the best shots.
You should emphasize your main subject as much as possible. Frame your cat with other elements in the composition. You can, for example, shoot through long grass, shrubs, or tree foliage to give the cat a nice, natural frame. Additionally, you can shoot through human-made objects, such as chair legs, banister railings, towel cupboards, and even windows. There are endless variations to this technique; the key is to be creative!
Cats are naturally photogenic, so you don’t have to do much to make them look appealing in the photo. Just follow these tips and you can surely capture a photo worth framing and one that will gain hundreds of likes from your friends on Facebook and Instagram.

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